Inclusive School Net
School name: Novi Šeher Maglaj
School type: Primary school
Address : Novi Šeher bb, Maglaj, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contacts (phone, fax, email)
- 00387 32 611 010
- [email protected]
School Team
- Meškić Zijad - Principal
- Begić Elmedina - class teacher
- Zekić Dragana - class teacher
- Bašić Aida - English teacher
- Pervan Slavica -Parents' council
Teacher Team
- Aida Basic
- Elmedina Begic
- Nedim Bajrić
- Ruza Ivešić
- Enes Hajdarevic
Number of pupils: 577
Number of male students: 297
Number of female students: 280
Male/female student ratio: m51%/f49%
Diversity – Inclusion issues
This school represents the legal and administrative union of two schools - one Bosniak and one Croatian and it is fully integrated into one larger entity that is multiethnic and multicultural in all respects. Both the school staff, Board and Parents' councils are multiethnic and are commonly making all decisions regarding the school. School recognizes that there is a lack of adequate infrastructure and funds for creating a better and friendlier working environment, due to the lack of space and assistive technologies and didactic materials.
Level of inclusive practices/experience
This school has been participating in the Save the Children pilot program for the Index for Inclusion and staff and management have been trained in how to work with the children with special educational needs. There is positive attitude and motivation in school for improving conditions for inclusive education.