Project of the Primary school  “Mustafa Ejubović - Šejh Jujo”:
Education for quality teaching

Specific project’s objectives:
  • Improving teachers’ competences  for teaching pupils with special needs and abilities of class and subject teaching through organization of teacher trainings and establishing cooperation with relevant stakeholders from the field of inclusive education
  • Improving quality of the teaching process by equipping the multimedia classroom 
  • Improving cohesion among pupils through organization of peer support in learning and workshops on sensitization about diversities 
  • Improving cooperation of teachers, professional assistants, parents and pupils in providing support to pupils with special needs and abilities in regular classes
Project’s main activities:
Capacity building
  • The team of trainers will organize workshops for all pupils and their parents to help them to provide support to pupils with special needs in their everyday school activities. Different experts from the field of inclusive education will be involved: from the Centre for Children and Youth with Special Needs Los Rosales, Pedagogical Institute Mostar, professors at Teaching Faculty and other professionals.
  • Workshops for teachers
    • - Identifying pupils with special needs and abilities;
    • - Teaching pupils with special needs and abilities;
    • - Developing individual educational plans.
  • Training trainers
    • - Teaching pupils with special needs
    • - Developing individual educational plans
  • Workshop for parents/guardians at higher risk of marginalization and exclusion (helping children with special needs)
  • Workshops for pupils at higher risk of marginalization and exclusion
  • Procurement of didactic and teaching materials for workshops and seminars
Creating inclusive school environment
  • Equipping the Multimedia classroom: furniture and smart board
Closure of the project and sharing knowledge:
  • After the completion of the project, the team of trainers will use multimedia classroom to educate a few teachers from other schools in the City of Mostar That would be the way of networking schools in the city  Mostar and Herzegovina Neretva Canton on topics:
    • - Identifying  pupils with special needs;
    • - Teaching pupils with special needs;
    • - Developing individual educational plans for pupils with special needs.
Project’s target groups:
  • Direct beneficiaries: 73 pupils  and their parents/guardians at higher  risk of marginalization and exclusion, all 53 school teachers
  • Indirect beneficiaries:   the school and the school stuff, all pupils (741) and their parents/guardians (1482), educational institutions in Mostar and Herzegovina Neretva Canton.