Primary school "Mileva Lalovic-Lalatovic" project:
We have found our place under the sun
Specific project’s objectives
- To prevent drop out of Roma and Egyptian pupils, and children from marginalized groups;
- To support providing appropriate conditions for education in order to achieve higher levels of knowledge, skills and abilities;
- To monitor the implementation level of the goals in education of a group of children, educated at individualized program;
- To monitor the continuity of parents involvement and community representatives in the process of school;
- To develop competences of the teaching staff to support pupils and parents on various ways .
Project’s main activities:
Adaptation of the room for education:
- The room will be customized for interactive working with pupils and parents. It will be renovated, furnished and equipped with all the necessary technical equipment: computer, projector, screen, TV set, speakers, chart board and similar.
Training for school employees, parents and local community representatives:
- Appropriate themes will be chosen, date determined, while required material, working place and catering provided.
Hiring two RE assistants by the recommendation of Roma NGOs
- Assistants will work according to designed working programme with a formed group of pupils for additional, remedial classes. Meetings of parents, teachers and assistants for the pupils of RE population will be organized.
Screening socio-psychological status of pupils with appropriate measurements instruments:
- Pupils with problems in following regular curriculum and behavioural problems will be identified with the assistance of head teachers, subject teachers and parents;
- Screening socio-psychological condition of pupils at risk of marginalization;
- Forming a support group to help pupils and their parents with individualized counselling or group remedial activities by the model of Individual Development Educational Plan IROP;
- Regular meetings with parents of these pupils in order to design and monitor the support for the pupils in a family environment;
- The school team will form IROP for all pupils at risk of marginalization and monitor progress or possible problems
Peer mediation activities:
- Workshops for pupils with parents and teacher-mentors;
- Establishing pupil’s teams that will be responsible for a certain number of pupils by the model of peer support and education.
Activities of including Roma pupils in Folklore and Art section;
- Workshops for parents of RE pupils: Folk customs and tradition of RE ethnic communities;
- Developing a program for section activities;
- Organizing the Folklore section and engaging children in folklore-choreography;
- Purchasing costumes and involving parents in choosing the appropriate ones for performance;
- The final event: Performance of appropriate cultural artistic program.
Forming drama ensemble: writing an appropriate script; setting up a drama
- Art workshop - Forming a group for workshop and organizing activities: making greeting cards for national and religious holidays; organizing sales exhibitions at school, or charity events.
Pre-school course for Roma children enrolling the first grade:
- This activity will start with visit to Roma camp for making a list of children eligible to enrol the first grade. The school team with the support of Roma assistants will evaluate their knowledge of official language and basic skills, specific to the child`s age. For children who are ready to enrolee the first grade, preparatory classes, for a period of five working days with two teaching classes a day will be held in organized groups. For all children who attend the school medical examinations will be arranged. Health counselling for parents will be organized in collaboration with Children's Outpatient Health Centre in Nikšić.
Promoting the School:
- Preparation of School Informer with basic information on school history, teaching at School, extra –curricular activities, school personnel, mission, vision and role of the school in the local community;
- Promoting school activities through various media outlets;
- Creating certificates and letters of appreciation for individuals and institutions involved in the Projects implementation.
Project’s target groups
- Direct beneficiaries: pupils of all grades with special educational needs, problems in following regular curriculum, RE population , pupils with peer support abilities, and who are interested in the project activities, parents of all these pupils and school employees
- Indirect beneficiaries: local community, NGO organizations, educational institutions in the city and other state institutions.