Inclusive School Net

School name: Mileva Lajovic-Lalatovic Nikšic

Learn more about this school project

School type: Primary school

Address : Vuka Karadžica 104, Nikšic, Montenegro

Contacts (phone, fax, email)
School Team
  • Željko Drincic, Principal
  • Katarina Vucinic – Markovic -pedagogue
  • Jelena Mrvoševic - psychologist
  • Danka Vuletic - class teacher
  • Radmila Pejovic - English teacher
Teacher Team
  • Radmila Pejovic
  • Ranko Cosovic
  • Danka Vuletic
  • Ljubinka Scekic
  • Dijana Rondovic

Number of pupils: 1076

Number of male students: 555

Number of female students: 521

Male/female student ratio: m52%/f48%

Diversity – Inclusion issues

By the number of students (1076) the largest primary school in Nikšic;

  • A heterogeneous national, religious and economical structure of students (about 30% of the students come from families that need some kind of financial assistance, over 130 students RAE population, 22 students who have a Decision of the relevant municipal committees for attending special education programs, and children belonging to different types of developmental disorders and levels of disability);
  • A high percentage of unemployment of one or both parents;
  • Unequal structure in terms of educational and cultural status of the families of children;
  • Children who attend the school come from more urban and suburban areas that are very uneven by socio-economic characteristics.
Level of inclusive practices/experience
  • One of the first primary schools in the municipality of Nikšic, which is involved in the process of inclusive education (since 2002);
  • Individualized work with parents and students.
  • Group work with RAE parents (thematic workshops in schools and neighborhoods)
  • Visits of experts and teachers to RAE family members in the settlements.
  • Regular extra work with students in mathematics and mother tongue.
  • Engagement of personal assistants to work with students who attend an adapted program.
  • Organization of peer support for RAE students.
  • Implementation of teaching projects at the school level that deal with the presentation of cultural differences among students and overcoming prejudices and stereotypes (in this school year as part of the realization of the regular curriculum content five projects related to this issue are designed).
  • Participation of schools in various projects that are initiated by the Ministry of Education, Institute of Education, and local and international non-governmental organizations.