Inclusive School Net

School name: General Secondary School “Tanasije Pejatović”

Learn more about this school project

School type: Secondary school

Address : Tršova 27, Pljevlja, Montenegro

Contacts (phone, fax, email)
School Team
  • Dragan Zukovic-Principal,
  • Sanja Golubovic - English teacher
  • Milojka Crnogorac Nenadic -pedagogue and psychologist,
  • Rajko Palibrk -Parents' council and  Pljevlja municpal manager
  • Slavica Krstajic - councilor for social issues in the municipality of Pljevlja
Teacher Team
  • Jelena Vukovic
  • Danko Despotovic
  • Mirjana Misovic
  • Bojana Grujic
  • Ljiljana Bajcetic


Number of pupils: 587

Number of male students: 213

Number of female students: 374

Male/female student ratio: m36%/f64%

Diversity – Inclusion issues

School is in the municipality that is multi-ethnic and multicultural and where Montenegrins, Serbs, Muslims, Bosnians and others live. School is attended by students who come from families that have different socio-economic status, and between students there are cultural and religious diversities. Students come both from urban and rural areas. Special attention is paid to students who are gifted and students with special educational needs.  Students with special educational needs are supported through the provision of additional conditions for their work in the school. There are students who have physical or sensory disorders and diabetes.

Level of inclusive practices/experience

The school has adopted a special educational plan where whole section is devoted to the development of inclusive education. 35 teachers attended a spacial training for inclusive education where the teaching is tailored to the needs and abilities of students.  All teachers provide support for these students in order for them to have the same opportunities for education as well as the other students. There is high involvement of parents and municipality in the school programs. School has adequate infrastructure.