Inclusive School Net

School name: Svetozar Markovic Gymnasium

Learn more about this school project

School type: Secondary school

Address: Njegoševa 22, Novi Sad, Serbia

Contacts (phone, fax, email)
School Team:
  • Dragana Bajatovic, school pedagogue and team coordinator
  • Danka Stojanovic, English teacher
  • Tatjana Vukadinovic, Philosophy teacher, headteacher
  • Tatjana Momcilovic  parents council representative
  • Ljiljana Aradjanski, psychologist
Teacher Team
  • Zorica Nikoletic
  • Tereza Perisic Gaspar
  • Ljubica Dejanović
  • Olja Kockarević
  • Danka Stojanovic


Number of pupils: 1114

Number of male students: 440

Number of female students: 674

Male/female student ratio: m 39.5 % / f 60.5 % 

Diversity – Inclusion issues

Besides being a bilingual school –Serbian/Hungarian, this school has many other diversity issues – students with various physical, cognitive and behavioral challenges and disabilities. School has a very well developed infrastructure and large well trained team for inclusion. 

Level of inclusive practices/experience

This school has a very high level of experience with inclusive education, well developed and coordinated practice and skilled team of psychologists and pedagogues. School management, parent and alumni all support the school, both through expertise and financially. School still needs some elements of infrastructure in order to make better accessibility for students with motoric disabilities. They have wide experience in cooperation and exchanges with other schools from country and abroad.

Other issues

School is one of the most experienced in Serbia in inclusive education, nearly a decade. One of the students, who was blind, received one of the most prestigious national awards for intellectual innovation in 2010.