Inclusive School Net

School name: School center Foča

Learn more about this school project

School type: Mixed VET and Gymnasium school

Address : Cara Dušana 73, Foča,  Bosnia and Herzegovina

Contacts (phone, fax, email)
School Team
  • Borka Kovač, Principal
  • Sanja Kulić, pedagogue
  • Zorana Vujičić, English teacher
  • Rajka Golijanin, School Board
  • Gordana Mojović, Parents' council
Teacher Team
  • Slavica Filipovic
  • Sanja Kulic
  • Miljana Šolaja
  • Radislav Maric
  • Vesna Bodiroga

Number of pupils: 712

Number of male students: 349

Number of female students: 363

Male/female student ratio: m49%/f51%

Diversity – Inclusion issues

There are 35% of students coming from the rural areas and attending this school. There are visible discrepancies in the economic and social status of students, since there is a significant number of students coming from economically deprived families and one-parent families. There is a number of students with special educational needs who are studying through individual learning plans.

Level of inclusive practices/experience

School management and staff has been ready and motivated to create social cohesion, respect and understanding in school despite all the differences that exist. Students with SEN have been working through the government approved program and the teachers have been tailoring the curriculum based on the needs of individual students.