South Programme III regional Steering Committee meeting on 16-17 September 2019 in Brussels


Strategic coordination is ensured with the European Union, as main partner cofunding the South Programme, as well as with national authorities of the beneficiaries of the Programme. Coordination activities consist in regular meetings between the European Union and the Council of Europe at the very high level, but also at the operational level, to increase the impact of the Council of Europe action on the ground.

Furthermore, the guidance of the South Programme III implementation is insured by regional and bilateral Steering Committees composed of representatives of national authorities and civil society, the European Union and the Council of Europe. These meetings allow to discuss achievements, review the implementation of actions, assess needs and suggest new themes for potential cooperation.


For more information on previous Steering Committee meetings:

South Programme III bilateral Steering Committee meeting with Jordan (3 May 2019, Amman): news

South Programme III launching event (18 September 2018, Strasbourg): news, photo gallery & interviews

South Programme III bilateral Steering Committee meeting with Tunisia (11 April 2019, Tunis): news

South Programme III regional Steering Committee meeting (16-17 September 2019, Brussels): photo gallery & videos

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