Мусоидат ба тақвияти шаффофият ва мубориза бо ҷиноятҳои иқтисодӣ

Солҳои охир барои пешгирии коррупсия ва ҷазо барои он, бо мақсади беҳтаргардонии иқлими тиҷоратӣ дар минтақа ва таблиғи рушди устувори иқтисодӣ барои ҳама ҷонибҳо кишварҳои Осиёи Марказӣ ислоҳот гузаронида истодаанд. Чорабинии мазкур ба беҳтаргардонии шароити тиҷорат ва баланд бардоштани сифати низоми зиддикоррупсионӣ дар тамоми минтақа равона шудааст. Чорабинӣ аз ду ҷузъ иборат аст: 1) Поквиҷдонӣ дар фаъолияти расмӣ ва риояи меъёрҳои амалкунандаи тиҷорат; 2) Низомҳои муқовимат ба коррупсия, пулшӯӣ ва баргардонидани дороиҳо.

Поквиҷдонӣ дар фаъолияти расмӣ ва риояи меъёрҳои амалкунандаи тиҷорат

Афзоиши шаффофият, поквиҳдонӣ дар фаъолияти соҳибкорӣ ва ҳифзи ҳуқуқи соҳибкорон аз афзалиятҳои кишварҳои минтақаи Осиёи Марказӣ маҳсуб мешавад. Кор дар доираи ин бахш ба фароҳам овардани механизмҳо ва васеъ намудани имкониятҳои мубориза бо тамаъҷӯӣ соҳибкорон, коҳиш додани монеаҳои маъмурӣ ва баланд бардоштани риояи меъёрҳои ҷорӣ дар бахши соҳибкорӣ (комплаенс) нигаронида шудааст. Дар сатҳи минтақавӣ ҳадафи ҳамкорӣ дар доираи бахши мазкур эҷод намудани механизмҳои муассир барои табодули таҷрибаи пешқадам ва мусоидат ба дарки равшантар оид ба хатарҳои коррупсионии умумии минтақавӣ ва фаромарзӣ, ки соҳибкорон дучор меоянд, мебошад. Дар сатҳи миллӣ кор ба афзалиятҳои мушаххаси кишварҳои дахлдор дар самти мавзӯҳои зикршуда ва расонидани кӯмаки махсус дар раванди ислоҳот равона мешавад.


Кор дар ин соҳа ба беҳтаргардонии механизмҳо ва иқтидори мақомоти давлатӣ, аз ҷумла мақомоти ҳифзи ҳуқуқ, пешгирӣ ва муқовимат бо коррупсия, пулшӯӣ ва ҷиноятҳои иқтисодӣ, инчунин ба таҳкими низомҳои миллӣ оид ба мубориза бо пулшӯӣ ва маблағгузории терроризм равона гардидааст. Ченаки минтақавии ин ҷузъ баргузории тадқиқотҳо оид ба коррупсия ва ҷиноятҳои иқтисодӣ бо такя ба хавфу хатарҳои махсуси минтақавӣ ва як қатор барномаҳои омӯзишии минтақавӣ барои ҳайати мақомоти ҳифзи ҳуқуқ ва хизматчиёни давлатиро дар бар мегирад. Ченаки миллӣ ба ниёз ва талаботи мушаххас вобаста аз хусусиятҳои миллӣ ва раванди ислоҳот равона мегардад.


Closing Regional Conference of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2024

11 June 2024 Astana

On 11 June 2024, the joint EU/Council of Europe Central Asia Rule of Law Programme organised its Closing Regional Conference in Astana, Kazakhstan. The aim of the meeting was to take stock of the programme results and lessons learned during its implementation years from 2020 to 2024. Central...

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Exchange of best practices between anti-corruption authorities of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Council of Europe member states


Representatives of anti-corruption authorities of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan met with their counterparts from nine anti-corruption bodies from Council of Europe member states (Croatia, France, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Malta, and the United Kingdom), in the framework of an...

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Enhancing risk-based supervision of designated non-financial businesses and professions in Kazakhstan


In the areas of anti-money laundering and countering terrorism financing (AML/CFT), supervisory authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan improved their capacities in risk-based supervision of designated non-financial businesses and professions (DNFPBs through three workshops held in Astana from...

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International public call for tenders aiming to purchase IT tools for beneficiary institutions in four Central Asia countries

Deadline: 8 April 2024 Central Asia

The Council of Europe is currently implementing the Action “Promoting Transparency and Action against Economic Crime in Central Asia” (CA TAEC) as part of the joint initiative of the European Union and the Council of Europe – Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2024.   In that context, the...

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Supporting the anti-corruption compliance in the private sector in Kazakhstan

5-8 December 2023 Astana (Kazakhstan)

The Action on “Promoting Transparency and Action against Economic Crime” in Central Asia (CA TAEC), organised a four-day training of trainers in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Kazakhstan (ATAMEKEN) in Astana, on 5-8 December 2023. The training aimed at improving the...

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Kyrgyz judges and prosecutors enhance their capacities for the adjudication of economic crime cases


The Action “Promoting Transparency and Action against Economic Crime” in Central Asia organised a workshop on “Adjudication of economic crime cases for the judges and prosecutors of the Kyrgyz Republic”. The event, which took place on 23-24 November in Bishkek, aimed at enhancing the capacities...

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Exchange of experience with Central Asian countries on possible abuses of virtual assets

24-25 October 2023 Strasbourg (France)

The Council of Europe organised a two-day workshop on “Preventing the abuse of virtual assets – tools and comparative experiences against economic crime” on 24-25 October 2023 in Strasbourg (France). This inter-regional workshop brought together more than 50 representatives of Ministries,...

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Uzbekistan: Strengthening the capacities of public officials on preventing corruption and advancing integrity


The Action on “Promoting Transparency and Action against Economic Crime” in Central Asia (CA TAEC) supported the Anti-Corruption Agency and other public institutions of Uzbekistan in a two-day training on 3-4 October 2023 in Tashkent, the Republic of Uzbekistan. The activity aimed at improving...

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Намояндагони Тоҷикистон дар семинари омузишӣ оид ба конвенсияҳои Шӯрои Аврупо ширкат карданд

19-21 сентябри 2023 Страсбург (Фаронса)

Намояндагони сохторҳои гуногуни давлатии Тоҷикистон рӯзҳои 19-21 сентябри соли 2023 дар қароргоҳи Шӯрои Аврупо дар шаҳри Страсбург (Фаронса) дар семинари омузишӣ оид ба конвенсияҳои Шӯрои Аврупо ширкат карданд. Дар ин ҳайат намояндагони Дастгоҳи иҷроияи Президенти Тоҷикистон, Вазорати адлияи...

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Kyrgyzstan: Supporting the anti-corruption compliance in the private sector

5-8 September 2023 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

On 5-8 September, the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the International Business Council and the Anti-Corruption Business Council of Kyrgyzstan, organised a training of trainers in Bishkek. The event was attended by over 30 private sector representatives, including business associations,...

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Kyrgyzstan: Supporting the anti-corruption compliance in the private sector

5-8 September 2023 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

On 5-8 September, the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the International Business Council and the Anti-Corruption Business Council of Kyrgyzstan, organised a training of trainers in Bishkek. The event was attended by over 30 private sector representatives, including business associations,...

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Advanced training to strengthen the capacities of investigators and prosecutors for effective investigations of economic crimes in the Kyrgyz Republic


The Action “Promoting Transparency and Action against Economic Crime” in Central Asia organised a four-day training activity in co-operation with the Training Centre of the State Financial Intelligence Service (SFIS) of the Kyrgyz Republic to improve the capacities of the national authorities to...

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Advanced training to strengthen the capacities of investigators and prosecutors for effective investigations of economic crimes in Kazakhstan


The Action “Promoting Transparency and Action against Economic Crime” in Central Asia organised a four-day training activity in cooperation with the Law Enforcement Academy under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Academy). The activity aimed at supporting the...

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Enhancing business integrity and compliance of the private sector in Central Asia

11-13 July 2023 Strasbourg, France

The Council of Europe organised a three-day regional workshop on “Enhancing business integrity and compliance of the private sector in Central Asia” with competent authorities of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. The workshop took place in Strasbourg on 11-13 July...

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Technical Assistance provided to Kazakhstan to effectively implement the recommendations of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO)

21 June 2023 Strasbourg, France

A delegation of 25 public officials representing 13 institutions from Kazakhstan participated in a workshop organised by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on 21 June 2023. The aim of the workshop was to discuss the effective implementation of the recommendations issued by the Group of States...

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Introduction of Council of Europe Methodology on National Corruption Risk Assessment to the authorities of Kazakhstan

20 June 2023 Strasbourg (France)

The Council of Europe organised on 20 June 2023 in Strasbourg a workshop with competent authorities of Kazakhstan. It aimed at introducing to the authorities of Kazakhstan the Council of Europe´s Methodology for conducting National Corruption Risk Assessment (NCRA). The event gathered over 25...

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Kyrgyz authorities enhance capacity in fighting money laundering by improving the transparency of beneficial owners of legal entities


The Action on “Promoting Transparency and Action against Economic Crime” supported the Financial Intelligence Service (SFIS) and the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic (NBKR) in their efforts to enhance transparency of the beneficial owners of legal entities and legal arrangements through...

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Support for Kazakhstan in establishing a beneficial ownership register


Council of Europe is currently supporting the Financial Monitoring Agency (FMA) in the preparation of a roadmap for the establishment of a Beneficial Ownership (BO) Register in Kazakhstan. As a first step, a scoping mission took place in Astana on 20-21 April 2023 to present international best...

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Strengthening the capacities of investigators and prosecutors on financial investigations of economic crimes in Uzbekistan


The Action on “Promoting Transparency and Action against Economic Crime” in Central Asia (CA TAEC) supported the national competent institutions of Uzbekistan to improve their capacities in conducting financial investigations to combat economic crimes by organising a training activity in Tashkent...

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Financial Intelligence Unit and law enforcement agencies in Tajikistan improve their strategic analysis skills


A training session on Strategic Analysis, held from 27 to 31 March 2023, in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, welcomed 26 participants from the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), the General Prosecutor’s Office, the Ministry of Interior, the State Committee on National Security, the Agency for State...

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