Rad u ovoj oblasti fokusiran je na promovisanje slobode izražavanja i slobode medija u skladu sa evropskim standardima. Ciljna grupa su pravnici i pravnice (sudije/sutkinje, tužioci/tužiteljke, advokati/advokatice), policijski organi, regulatorna tela za medije i državna tijela zadužena za medijsko zakonodavstvo i pitanja u vezi sa novinarstvom, kao i medijski akteri (novinari/novinarke, udruženja novinara, samoregulatorna tela, studenti i studentkinje prava i novinarstva i druge medijske organizacije). Teme zaštite podataka i pristupa javnim informacijama su od posebnog interesa u okviru teme zaštite slobode izražavanja i medija.

Back Raising capacities of the Independent Media Commission on monitoring municipal electoral campaigns in audiovisual media

Raising capacities of the Independent Media Commission on monitoring municipal electoral campaigns in audiovisual media

The joint European Union and Council of Europe joint action on Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the media in Kosovo* (JUFREX2) organized a two-day training for the staff of the Independent Media Commission on monitoring municipal electoral campaigns in audiovisual media. 
The training aimed at equipping the staff of the Monitoring and Analyses and Legal departments in the Independent Media Commission, with additional knowledge and information on domestic legal standards in the area of monitoring elections and tools to carry out their duties and responsibilities. In addition, the cases of breaking the electoral silence and the ways to identify such cases as well as other policy, legal, and regulatory aspects of electoral silence were discussed in depth. 
The second day of the training was focused on issue related to disinformation/misinformation during the elections period, information disorder in the digital environment and its implications for political/electoral campaigns. Experts elaborated the impact of social media and the Internet on the election processes and the challenges of monitoring.
JUFREX2 is part of the “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey II” programme, a co-operation initiative co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe, which aims at assisting Beneficiaries in the Western Balkans region and Turkey to comply with the Council of Europe standards and European Union acquis in the framework of the enlargement process, where relevant.



Pristina 10 December 2021
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