Inclusive School Net

School name: Qendra e kompetencës

Learn more about this school project

School type: VET school

Address: Lagja 1, Skënderaj/Srbica, Kosovo*

Contacts (phone, fax, email)
School Team:
  • Lavdim Uka, Principal
  • Dinore Dajakaj
  • Bahri Sejdiu
  • Kushtrim Ibrahimi
  • Florim Gjinofei
Teacher Team
  • Fatime Jetishi
  • Fahredin Ademi
  • Hateme Behrami-UKA
  • Fitim Deliu
  • Ilirjana Bajraktari

Number of pupils: 451

Number of male students: 417

Number of female students: 44

Male/female student ratio: m 90 % / f 10 % 

Diversity – Inclusion issues

There are various diversity issues in school, from different ethnic, social, economic and rural-urban backgrounds of students. There are 23 students with special educational needs and physical disabilities in school that study based on the individual learning plans.

Level of inclusive practices/experience

School staff is extensively trained to implement EU-countries curricula for VET. School already has good partnerships established with relevant institutions in the country and abroad who work with inclusive education. There is high level of motivation to continue working in this field.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.