Inclusive School Net

School name: Economic school Osijek

Learn more about this school project

School type: VET school

Address: Trg Sv, Trojstva 4, Osijek, Croatia

Contacts (phone, fax, email)
School Team
  • Maja Akšamovic-Andric, pedagogue
  • Petra Avi, psychologist
  • Andreja Škarica, professor
  • Ðurdic Kesak Ursic, Parents' council
  • Lidija Žaper, School Principal (proxy -Lidija Goljevacki, professor).
Teacher Team
  • Hrvoje Kovač
  • Marina Bošnjak
  • Draženka Galošević
  • Dunja Novak
  • Marina Šutalo

Number of pupils: 764

Number of male students: 286

Number of female students: 478

Male/female student ratio: m38%/f62%

Diversity – Inclusion issues

2/3 of the students are coming from the rural area, and are of a low income families and social standing, there are students with serious disabilities, both physical and with special educational needs. There are students from the orphanages and SOS village attending this school. This region –Slavonia, suffered during the war, and there are still issues of reconciliation between and Croats and Serbian minority. School is involved in various activities that support peaceful reconciliation and dialogue. School has wide experience in cross border projects and exchanges, mainly with Hungary and Serbia.

Level of inclusive practices/experience

High, with highly skilled and motivated school team and management that believes in continuous training. School infrastructure is very appropriate and accessible. School still needs further training in the field of working with students with SEN.