Inclusive School Net
School name: Primary school Okucani
Learn more about this school project
School type: Primary school
Address: A.Stepinca 5, Okucani, Croatia
Contacts (phone, fax, email)
- 00385 35 371 087
- [email protected]
School Team
- Anka Posavac - Principal
- Kristina Apanovic – Croatian teacher
- Lidija Matokanovic – English teacher
- Rahela Radecki - Ivakic – Class teacher
- Katarina Neralic - Pedagogue
- Aleksandra Zdunic – Parents'council
Teacher Team
- Katarina Neralić
- Aleksandra Grubač
- Sanja Muller Zoričić
- Beata Gereci
- Đuro Čorak
Number of pupils: 556
Number of male students: 291
Number of female students: 265
Male/female student ratio: m52%/f48%
Diversity – Inclusion issues
School comes from the area which suffered greatly during the war, being in the border area with Bosnia and with various minorities living there. There are around 40 students with special educational needs every year and various other diversity issues, such as poverty, children from rural areas, national, ethnic and religious diversity and students with physical disabilities. There are children coming from abusive families that require special attention and care.
Level of inclusive practices/experience
High experience and very motivated school team and parental support. School has warm and inclusive atmosphere and many diversity issues that are handled in a supportive and humane way. They have further training needs in the field of working with children with specific intellectual and behavioral challenges.