Inclusive School Net

School name: Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj Vranje

Learn more about this school project

School type: Primary school

Address: Vase Smajevica 2, Vranje, Serbia

Contacts (phone, fax, email)
School Team
  • Goran Bandovic, Principal
  • Vesna Stankovic,psychologist
  • Natasa Stojanovic, English teacher
  • Biljana Jovanovic, class teacher
  • Branislav Stojancic, Local municipality representative for minority and social issues
Teacher Team
  • Snezana Nikolic
  • Branislav Zdravkovic
  • Dragan Jovanovic
  • Milena Zlatkovic
  • Sladjana Mitic

Number of pupils: 835

Number of male students: 451

Number of female students: 384

Male/female student ratio: m 54 % / f 46 % 

Diversity – Inclusion issues

School is in a diverse multicultural and multinational region with various ethnic and religious groups. 15% of students are with special educational needs, varying from mental, intellectual and behavioral challenges and there are also students with various physical disabilities. School organizes regular exchanges with neighborhood schools in order to steer better intercultural understanding and dialogue among children.

Level of inclusive practices/experience

High level of experience and motivation and well trained and skilled staff and management with clear understating of what inclusion means. School needs further financial and technical support in order to improve the infrastructure and need for some further training in working with specific learning disabilities and behavioral challenges.