Inclusive School Net

School name: Aleksa Dejovic

Learn more about this school project

School type: Primary school

Address: Heroja Dejovica 121, Sevojno, Serbia

Contacts (phone, fax, email)
School Team
  • Radica Blagojevic-Radovanovic - Psychologist
  • Vlade Živanovic - Principal
  • Sladana Živkovic – English teacher
  • Špijunovic Željko – President of the Parents' council
  • Bogosav Mihajlovic – IT teacher and President of the School Board

Number of pupils: 706

Number of male students: 352

Number of female students: 354

Male/female student ratio: m 50 % / f 50 % 

Diversity – Inclusion issues

School has various diversity issues, first with children coming from rural and poor areas and travelling to classes to the many students with both physical, mental, behavioral and emotional challenges and special educational needs. School management and staff is highly sensitivised and very entrepreneurial towards making conditions in school as child friendly as possible. School has excellent infrastructure and municipal and Ministry support for their work.

Level of inclusive practices/experience

This is one of the so called Model school for inclusion and has been working on inclusive practices and through individual education plans since 2006, thus pioneering this approach in Serbia. School represents one of the best practices in the country and is very open and willing to share and support other schools in the network.