Inclusive School Net

School name: Kosta Susinov Gymnasium Radoviš

Learn more about this school project

School type: Secondary school

Address: Kej 8-mi Septemvri bb, Radoviš, "The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"

Contacts (phone, fax, email)
School Team:
  • Venka Tadirova - Principal
  • Natasa Spasevska - Class teacher
  • Kristina Cacarova - Parents' council
  • Violeta Srbakova - Psychologist
  • Ivanka Spasova - School Board
Teacher Team
  • Natasha Spasevska
  • Ivanka Spasova
  • Slave Trajanov
  • Katerina Dimanova
  • Fikret Barov

Number of pupils: 894

Number of male students: 448

Number of female students: 449

Male/female student ratio: m 50 % / f 50 % 

Diversity – Inclusion issues

School has bilingual program in Macedonian and Turkish. 40% of students are coming from the rural areas and are traveling to school daily. There is also a Roma minority attending the school. There are also some students with slight learning and intellectual challenges. The most important diversity issues are the intercultural and interethnic cohesion and integration of children coming from socially and economically deprived families and language differences.

Level of inclusive practices/experience

School has very moderate level of inclusive practices, thought the team and the management are motivated to improve the conditions in that direction.  Architectural barriers in the school have been removed and there is a team of psychologist and pedagogue. There is existing support from the school board and parents, but the staff clearly needs further training and support in order to be able to implement and maintain coherent inclusive practices.