Bosnia and Herzegovina
National Roma Contact Point:
Assistant Minister for Human Rights
Trg BiH 1
71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phone: +387 33 202 600
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://www.mhrr.gov.ba
Institutions in charge of Roma integration
- National Minorities Council of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH
- National Minorities Council of the Parliament of the Federation of BiH
- National Minorities Council of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska
- Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina – 1st level
- Roma Committee – 2nd level - one representative of each of the following:
- Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of BiH – 3rd level
- Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH
- Ministry of Security of BiH
- Ministry of Justice of BiH
- Ministry of Finance and Treasury of BiH
- Gender Equality Agency of BiH
- Labour and Employment Agency of BiH
- Directorate for European Integration of BiH
- Government of the Federation of BiH
- Government of Republika Srpska
- Government of Brčko District of BiH
- Roma organisations participating in the Roma Committee
- Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of BiH – 3rd level of decision making (executive)
- Department for Protection of Rights and Cooperation with National and Other Minorities
- Employment:
- Federal Employment Institute
- Employment Institute of Republika Srpska
- Employment Institute of Brčko District of BiH
- Housing:
- Local self-government units
- Social services centres
- Federal Ministry of Physical Planning
- Ministry of Physical Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology of RS
- Department of Displaced Persons, Refugees and Housing Issues and Department for Physical Planning and Property Affairs of the Government of Brčko District of BiH
- Health care:
- Ministry of Health, Solidarity Fund and Institute for Public Health of FBiH
- Ministry of Health and Social Protection and Institute for Public Health of RS
- Department for Health and Other Services of the Government of Brčko District of BiH
- Employment:
Official Roma Integration Policy Documents
- Strategy for Resolving Problems of Roma in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnian version: Roma Integration 2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina (rcc.int)
English version: Roma Integration 2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina (rcc.int)
- Action Plan for Social Inclusion of Roma in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 2021-2025
Bosnian version: Službeni List- Pregled Dokumenta (sluzbenilist.ba)
English version: Roma Integration 2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina (rcc.int)
Useful links:
- Council of Europe in Bosnia Herzegovina
- EU Delegation in Bosnia Herzegovina
- Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees
- EU – Western Balkans relations, Country fiches Bosnia and Herzegovina: Enhanced EU engagement with the Western Balkans (europa.eu)
- Country fiches summarising the analysis of strategies adopted by EU candidate and potential candidate countries: Staff Working Document Part 2/2 – Country fiches summarising the analysis of strategies adopted by EU candidate and potential candidate countries | European Commission (europa.eu)
- Roma Integration factsheet: Enhanced EU engagement with the Western Balkans (europa.eu)
- Policy Recommendations from the Fifth National Platform on Roma Integration in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo, 2022): Roma Integration 2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina (rcc.int)
- Analysis of mainstream policies targeting Roma integration in Bosnia and Herzegovina BS ENG: Roma Integration 2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina (rcc.int)
Contact the Roma Integration III Project Officer for Bosnia Herzegovina