The National Commission responsible for coordinating measures aimed at combating and preventing human trafficking in the kingdom of Morocco and the Council of Europe published early April 2023 the guide of indicators to detect and identify potential victims of human trafficking, available in Arabic and French.
This guide is an essential tool to facilitate the detection of potential victims by field professionals, but also by the general public, and their subsequent identification. It will be used in particular during trainings of professionals from the security, legal, health, labor and civil society sectors. By publishing this tool, Morocco is the second country in the southern Mediterranean region to have developed its own indicators, adapted to the national context.
The document includes a section recalling the Moroccan legislative and regulatory framework related to the fight against human trafficking, as well as guidelines on how to use the indicators. The indicators are divided into two sections: on the one hand, the general indicators relating to any type of human trafficking, and on the other hand the specific indicators relating to the different types of exploitation.
This tool, which benefited from the support of the South Programme V, was developed with the support of the Council of Europe by a group of Moroccan experts from the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the Department of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills and the Royal Gendarmerie General Staff. Following a collaborative and inclusive approach, the indicators developed by the group of experts were then submitted to field professionals in direct contact with potential victims in order to gather their point of view.