In the framework of the South Programme IV, the Council of Europe and its European Human Rights Training Program for Legal Professionals (HELP), in collaboration with its partners in particular the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Youth, Culture and of Communication, the Royal Gendarmerie and the National Observatory for the Rights of the Child, organised, on 17 November 2021 in Rabat, the national launch of the HELP course “Child-friendly justice and children's rights”.
The HELP course on “Child-friendly justice and children's rights” was developed in an interactive way, using the HELP methodology in close cooperation with the Council of Europe Children’s Rights Division, the staff of the Council of Europe Special Representative on Migration and Refugees and UNHCR. It is currently available in Arabic language.
A contextualised version has been developed by national tutors which is intended specifically for professionals who wish to improve their knowledge and skills on existing national and international standards in this field, their relevance in the Moroccan legal context, and how to apply them in their daily work.
The Council of Europe has developed many legal standards and practical guidelines in the field of child-friendly justice. It is about creating a justice system which guarantees respect and effective implementation of all children’s rights.
Useful links :
HELP in the Southern Mediterranean
HELP in Morocco
The South Programme IV is a joint programme of the Council of Europe and the European Union, financed by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.