The Council of Europe Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) Programme organised the first Training of Trainers for justice professionals of Morocco and Tunisia on 25-26 March 2019 in Strasbourg.The event organised with the support of the South Programme III was the first milestone in extending the HELP Programme beyond the borders of the Council of Europe, particularly in the areas of violence against women, child-friendly justice, trafficking in human beings and data protection.
The HELP Programme strengthens the capacity of legal professionals to apply human rights standards in their daily work. It provides tailor-made, high-quality courses on human rights issues addressed in several Council of Europe conventions. Council of Europe conventions set standards in the fields of human rights and rule of law, and contribute to the development of a common legal space at pan-European level and beyond. The advantage of the Council of Europe conventions is that most of them are open to countries which are not members of the Council of Europe. Some Southern Mediterranean partner countries have already acceded or expressed their interest in acceding to a number of Council of Europe conventions.
The main objective of the Training of Trainers was to introduce the HELP programme, its methodology and some selected courses to the participants, and to give them the practical skills to use the HELP online courses so that they can be adapted to the needs of the respective institutions or audiences. Participants were encouraged to appoint focal points in national training institutions for judges, prosecutors and lawyers, and to disseminate HELP courses among other legal professionals from Southern Mediterranean countries, as well as to universities.
Once Training of Trainers participants pass the practical assignment, they will be ready to act as national tutors in their home countries and moderate the HELP courses. Those participants will be certified and included in the roster of HELP trainers which is available on the HELP website. Relevant National Training Institutions for judges, prosecutors and lawyers will be subsequently informed of the opportunity to select from this pool trainers for national or international activities. In the case of universities, HELP tutors will be able to use the HELP courses with their students.
For more information:
The South Programme III is a joint programme of the Council of Europe and the European Union, financed by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.