Back Women make up only 8% of the presidents of the national Olympic sport federations in Europe

ALL IN Project
Is one of the astonishing figures presented at the final event of the ALL IN project, held at the European Commission Headquarters in Brussels on September 10th.
closing event

closing event

Clotilde Talleu, Senior project manager at the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sports (EPAS), announced the results of the ALL IN data collection campaign in the six strategic fields explored (leadership, coaching, participation (from grassroots to elite sport), gender-based violence, communication/media and policies and programmes addressing gender equality in sport).

The results of the data campaign show that most European countries still have a far way to go to achieve gender equality in sports. A few interesting findings:

  • In Europe women make up only 8% of the presidents of the national Olympic sport federation.
  • Women are only 1 in 5 employed elite coaches in national Olympic sport federation.
  • Eleven sports (37%) do not have any female presidents in their national federations.
  • Most female presidents are found in skating (20%), gymnastics (19%) and triathlon (12%).
  • Gymnastics (46%) and skating (40%) have the largest proportion of female vice-presidents.

This joint project between the Council of Europe and the European Union is aimed at levelling the playing field in the gender inequalities that still persist in many aspects of the sports' world. The next data collection campaign should take place in four years (in 2023).

The results of the data collection campaign can be found here:

  • Collection of data on gender equality in sport in 18 member States of the Council of Europe or member States of the EPAS, analysis and interactive visualisation through a dashboard
  • Analytical report which outlines the major results of the data collection campaign on gender equality in sports.

To support sport organisations and public authorities to take a new step towards better equality between women and men in sport, capacity building and awareness-raising materials were also developed:

  • A user-friendly toolkit “How to make an impact on gender equality in sport. All you need to know”
  • An online library of practices and resources
  • An action page “It is high time we perform better on gender equality in sport”
15 October 2019
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