14 October 2024 Serbia

Mentor school for Democratic Culture, “Dragisa Lukovic Spanac” from Kragujevac, together with six local schools, marked the Day of Education for Democratic Culture with a series of creative, student-led activities aimed at promoting tolerance, diversity, and empathy in schools and the wider...

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Jačanje kvaliteta obrazloženja odluka Upravnog suda Crne Gore

11. oktobar Podgorica/Crna Gora

Sa ciljem jačanja kvaliteta odluka u upravnim sporovima, održana je intenzivna obuka za 14 sudija/sutkinja i 14 savjetnika/savjetnica Upravnog suda Crne Gore, sa fokusom na izgradnji vještina i tehnika potrebnih za donošenje dobro obrazloženih, pravičnih i transparentnih odluka. Program obuke je...

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11 October 2024 Belgrade

Schools across Serbia will soon have access to a valuable new resource: the second volume of Guidelines for the Integration of the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) in National Curricula. Developed by a team of education experts from the State Institute for the...

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Psychological aid is changing lives of marginalised groups in Bosnia Herzegovina under the joint EU and Council of Europe programme "Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye"

Free psychological support: A key to living authentically

10 October Bosnia and Herzegovina

"When I first consulted a psychologist, I felt lost. I couldn't openly talk about my feelings with anyone around me. I felt like I was suffocating in my own thoughts. Free psychological support was my only way out. Through conversations with a psychologist, I began to understand my feelings and...

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New platform for reporting violence against LGBTI

10 October 2024 Bosnia and Herzegovina

A new website, stopmrznji.ba, has been launched as a crucial tool for reporting hate crimes and hate speech against LGBTI individuals in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This platform provides vital information and contacts for those who have experienced violence due to their sexual orientation or gender...

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Pripreme za Hakaton o inkluziji i digitalnom građanstvu u Podgorici

11. oktobra 2024 Crna Gora

Srednjoškolci iz cijele Crne Gore okupili su se 11. oktobra 2024. godine na Info danu povodom predstojećeg Hakatona o inkluziji i digitalnom građanstvu. Ovaj događaj, organizovan od strane Programske kancelarije Savjeta Evrope i Naučno-tehnološkog parka Crne Gore, upoznao je učesnike sa ciljevima...

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Improving the free legal aid system in North Macedonia - 15th meeting of the National Co-ordination Body gathers in Skopje

8 October 2024 Skopje / North Macedonia

The 15th meeting of the National Co-ordination Body for the implementation of the Law on Free Legal Aid (NCB), gathered in Skopje to discuss the most important challenges regarding the functioning of the free legal aid system in North Macedonia. Supported by the European Union and the Council of...

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High-level officials of North Macedonia discussed necessary interventions following latest report of the Council of Europe Committee against Torture

North Macedonia 8 October 2024

In a high-level meeting, senior officials working on prison reform discussed the way forward to address the key challenges stemming from the main findings of the European Committee against Torture (CPT) 2023 report on North Macedonia. The event was attended by the State Secretary of the Ministry...

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Podizanje svijesti o besplatnoj pravnoj pomoći za žrtve trgovine ljudima u Crnoj Gori

05 oktobar 2024 Crna Gora

U Crnoj Gori pokrenuta je nova inicijativa za podizanje svijesti o dostupnosti besplatne pravne pomoći za žrtve trgovine ljudima. Važan dio ove inicijative je izrada i distribucija flajera dostupnih na više jezika, koji imaju za cilj da informišu žrtve o njihovim zakonskim pravima. Informativni...

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Towards reducing discrimination in sports in Bosnia and Herzegovina

4 October 2024 Sarajevo/Bosnia and Herzegovina

In an effort to promote respect and diversity in sports, the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with support of the European Union and the Council of Europe, organised a workshop in Sarajevo on October 4. The workshop aimed at reducing homophobia and transphobia in sports...

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A public initiative to raise awareness on the fight against child trafficking for forced marriages to kick off in North Macedonia

"Change Your Mind - Stay Out of the Vicious Circle”

4 October 2024 North Macedonia

Forced child marriage is one of the common types of human trafficking, spiralling out of the circle of poverty. A significant number of the child trafficking victims in North Macedonia are victims of trafficking for forced marriage, who are often sexually abused and exploited for their labour. To...

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New pilot module to counter SLAPPs introduced for legal professionals

3 October 2024 Prevalla/Prizren

As part of its ongoing commitment to advance protection of freedom of expression in line with European standards, the Council of Europe Office in Pristina introduced for legal professionals in Kosovo* an importanttraining curriculum focused on countering the use of Strategic Lawsuits Against...

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Crna Gora preduzima aktivnosti na jačanju lokalnog odgovora na trgovinu ljudima i jačanju podrške žrtvama

4 Oktobar 2024 Crna Gora

U cilju borbe protiv trgovine ljudima i zaštite prava žrtava u Crnoj Gori u septembru su organizovane tri radionice koje su okupile predstavnike lokalnih vlasti, centara za socijalni rad, inspekcije rada, policije i pravosuđa. Shodno ciljevima iz Strategije za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima (2019...

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Strong joint action needed that will foremost protect youth and children

Traffickers easier recruit, control and exploit victims of human trafficking


How to meet the challenges posed by the growing use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for the recruitment, control and exploitation of victims of human trafficking? More than 60 national and regional experts met at a two-day conference in Sarajevo on 2 and 3 October 2024 to...

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Policija Crne Gore unapređuje standarde ljudskih prava novim procedurama

27. septembar 2024 Podgorica, Crna Gora,

Policijski službenici u Crnoj Gori ulažu dodatne napore u pravcu zaštite ljudskih prava, uvođenjem novorazvijenih standardnih operativnih procedura (SOP-ova). Tokom dvodnevne obuke, koja je održana 26. i 27. septembra u Bijelom Polju, obučavan je srednji rukovodni kadar Regionalnog centra...

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Building an equal and inclusive society: regional co-operation against racism

July-September 2024 Western Balkans

Recent initiatives took place in the framework of the programme, to address racism and intolerance by promoting regional co-operation while highlighting its importance as part of the EU accession process. By fostering dialogue and partnership among key Beneficiaries, these efforts seek to create...

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Get to know the most recent publications published under the Horizontal Facility programme!

July - September 2024 Western Balkans and Türkiye

In this edition of Highlights, we present the main publications produced under the framework of the Horizontal Facility III programme with an aim to enhance knowledge and bring European standards in various areas closer to the beneficiaries in the Western Balkans and in Türkiye. To enhance public...

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Regional co-operation key to tackling discrimination and racism

26-28 September 2024 Podgorica

Law enforcement institutions and civil society organisations (CSOs) from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and the Republic of Moldova met in Podgorica on 26-28 September with the aim to address racism, discrimination, and the protection of minority groups, especially the LGBTI community. This...

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Empowering Legal Professionals to advance freedom of expression and freedom of the media

July - September 2024 Western Balkans

A series of initiatives aimed at enhancing the skills of legal professionals in the Western Balkans in the field of freedom of expression have been conducted. These initiatives focused on specialised capacity building activities for prosecutors and police officers, promoting collaboration between...

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Promoting Dialogue and Combating Hate Speech in Bosnia and Herzegovina

July - September 2024 Western Balkans

Recent initiatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the field of tackling hate speech and discrimination, with a particular attention on LGBTI, were focused on promoting a culture of dialogue while empowering public authorities to effectively address discrimination. Civil servants were equipped with...

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