Psychological aid is changing lives of marginalised groups in Bosnia Herzegovina under the joint EU and Council of Europe programme "Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye"

Free psychological support: A key to living authentically

10 October Bosnia and Herzegovina

"When I first consulted a psychologist, I felt lost. I couldn't openly talk about my feelings with anyone around me. I felt like I was suffocating in my own thoughts. Free psychological support was my only way out. Through conversations with a psychologist, I began to understand my feelings and...

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New platform for reporting violence against LGBTI

10 October 2024 Bosnia and Herzegovina

A new website,, has been launched as a crucial tool for reporting hate crimes and hate speech against LGBTI individuals in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This platform provides vital information and contacts for those who have experienced violence due to their sexual orientation or gender...

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High-level officials of North Macedonia discussed necessary interventions following latest report of the Council of Europe Committee against Torture

North Macedonia 8 October 2024

In a high-level meeting, senior officials working on prison reform discussed the way forward to address the key challenges stemming from the main findings of the European Committee against Torture (CPT) 2023 report on North Macedonia. The event was attended by the State Secretary of the Ministry...

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Podizanje svijesti o besplatnoj pravnoj pomoći za žrtve trgovine ljudima u Crnoj Gori

05 oktobar 2024 Crna Gora

U Crnoj Gori pokrenuta je nova inicijativa za podizanje svijesti o dostupnosti besplatne pravne pomoći za žrtve trgovine ljudima. Važan dio ove inicijative je izrada i distribucija flajera dostupnih na više jezika, koji imaju za cilj da informišu žrtve o njihovim zakonskim pravima. Informativni...

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A public initiative to raise awareness on the fight against child trafficking for forced marriages to kick off in North Macedonia

"Change Your Mind - Stay Out of the Vicious Circle”

4 October 2024 North Macedonia

Forced child marriage is one of the common types of human trafficking, spiralling out of the circle of poverty. A significant number of the child trafficking victims in North Macedonia are victims of trafficking for forced marriage, who are often sexually abused and exploited for their labour. To...

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New pilot module to counter SLAPPs introduced for legal professionals

3 October 2024 Prevalla/Prizren

As part of its ongoing commitment to advance protection of freedom of expression in line with European standards, the Council of Europe Office in Pristina introduced for legal professionals in Kosovo* an importanttraining curriculum focused on countering the use of Strategic Lawsuits Against...

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Crna Gora preduzima aktivnosti na jačanju lokalnog odgovora na trgovinu ljudima i jačanju podrške žrtvama

4 Oktobar 2024 Crna Gora

U cilju borbe protiv trgovine ljudima i zaštite prava žrtava u Crnoj Gori u septembru su organizovane tri radionice koje su okupile predstavnike lokalnih vlasti, centara za socijalni rad, inspekcije rada, policije i pravosuđa. Shodno ciljevima iz Strategije za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima (2019...

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Strong joint action needed that will foremost protect youth and children

Traffickers easier recruit, control and exploit victims of human trafficking


How to meet the challenges posed by the growing use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for the recruitment, control and exploitation of victims of human trafficking? More than 60 national and regional experts met at a two-day conference in Sarajevo on 2 and 3 October 2024 to...

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Policija Crne Gore unapređuje standarde ljudskih prava novim procedurama

27. septembar 2024 Podgorica, Crna Gora,

Policijski službenici u Crnoj Gori ulažu dodatne napore u pravcu zaštite ljudskih prava, uvođenjem novorazvijenih standardnih operativnih procedura (SOP-ova). Tokom dvodnevne obuke, koja je održana 26. i 27. septembra u Bijelom Polju, obučavan je srednji rukovodni kadar Regionalnog centra...

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Regional co-operation key to tackling discrimination and racism

26-28 September 2024 Podgorica

Law enforcement institutions and civil society organisations (CSOs) from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and the Republic of Moldova met in Podgorica on 26-28 September with the aim to address racism, discrimination, and the protection of minority groups, especially the LGBTI community. This...

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Напредак Србије у области људских права, владавине права и демократије у складу са европским стандардима

26 September 2024 Belgrade, Serbia

Serbia has made progress on its reform agenda, ranging from strengthening human rights protections and anti-trafficking efforts to promoting equality, quality education for all, as well as safeguarding freedom of expression- all in the framework of the EU and Council of Europe joint programme,...

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Ка заустављању дискриминације слепих шахиста


Representatives from Serbia’s Ministry of Sport and the Government Agent before the ECtHR, as relevant government officials, and experts from the Council of Europe's Department for the Execution of Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights, gathered in Belgrade on 24 September 2024 to...

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Equality bodies, public authorities and civil society organisations in Albania to join forces in the efforts to combat discrimination and hatred

23 September 2024 Tirana

Partners and beneficiaries of the action on Advancing the Protection from Discrimination in Albania valued the contribution of this co-operation initiative of the European Union and Council of Europe, that aims to bring forward the effects of the reforms in the field of anti-discrimination and...

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Software to support a more efficient system of treatment of prisoners launched for the beneficiaries of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

18-19 September 2024 Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

For the first time in a prison of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation an Integrated Prison Management Information System (IPMIS) was put into function. This prison software together with the procurement of hardware equipment was developed with the support of the EU and Council of Europe...

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Advancing Albania’s Reform Agenda, in line with European values: Human Rights and Democracy in the Spotlight

24 September 2024 TIRANA

The programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye”, a core co-operation initiative of the European Union and Council of Europe, is a fundamental instrument in the hands of the public authorities in Albania to bring forward protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms,...

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Ново издање курса о борби против трговине људима

19 September 2024 Belgrade

To support lawyers in effective protection of victims of trafficking and prosecuting perpetrators, a new HELP (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) course has been launched within the action “Strengthening anti-trafficking action in Serbia”, in co-operation with the Serbian Bar...

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Регулаторнo тело за електронске медије унапређује знања о стандардима оглашавања

5 September 2024, Belgrade/Serbia

Representatives of the Serbia’s Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM) had the opportunity to learn more on commercial communications and explore possibilities for co-regulation and self-regulation in various areas. The training was designed to provide an overview of the European...

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Joining forces with women's organisations to combat violence against women in Türkiye

18 September 2024, Online

In the efforts to support civil society organisations in Türkiye to improve the accessibility and quality of legal aid services for women, an online discussion was organised with the support of European Union and Council of Europe. 34 civil society representatives (29 women and 5 men) exchanged...

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Sastanak crnogorskih sudija i medija sa ciljem poboljšanja transparentnosti sudstva

20. septembar 2024 Podgorica

Crnogorske sudije i predstavnici medija su se prvi put sastali u Podgorici sa ciljem jačanja saradnje u oblasti medijske distribucije informacija o sudskim postupcima. Tokom ovog dvodnevnog događaja, učesnici/e su se detaljno bavili važnim pitanjima, uključujući i Preporuku Komiteta ministara...

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Advancing support to legal professionals in the efforts to improve women’s access to justice in the Western Balkans

17 September 2024 Western Balkans

The Mentoring Programme for legal professionals, an initiative of the EU and Council of Europe regional action “Women’s access to justice in the Western Balkans”, proved to be a unique tool for equipping justice professionals including judges and prosecutors with necessary resources to champion...

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