‘Looking back and moving forward in the fight against discrimination and hate speech’: beneficiaries, partners and No Hate Speech Ambassadors gather in Skopje
European Union and Council of Europe conclude the regional Block the Hatred, Share the Love campaign with an event in Pristina
“Block the Hatred. Share the Love” campaign in Skopje: Sharing flowers and raising awareness to combat Hate Speech
У Србији покренута кампања „Блокирај мржњу. Подели љубав!”What trace do you leave behind, communicating to others? Is it a trace full of love and compassion or that of hatred?
European Union and Council of Europe launch the “Block the hatred. Share the love” campaignPress Release
Anti-hate speech campaign “Block the Hatred. Share the Love!” launched in TiranaPRESS RELEASE
“‘Block the Hatred; Share the Love!”: Working with European youth to bring forward equality and diversity in the Western Balkans
SAOPŠTENJE ZA MEDIJE: Evropska unija i Savet Evrope pokrenuli u Prištini lokalnu kampanju „Blokiraj mržnju. Podeli ljubav!“