Înapoi Satisfaction surveys improving efficiency of justice in Moldova

Satisfaction surveys improving efficiency of justice in Moldova

A Working Group meeting on conducting satisfaction surveys in CEPEJ pilot courts of Moldova was conducted on 18-19 May 2016.

Involving participation from six European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) pilot courts, from the Superior Council of Magistracy, Ministry of Justice, National Institute of Justice and National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova, the working group discussed in details, adapted and approved the questionnaires and the methodology of conducting satisfaction surveys in regard to court users, lawyers and court staff. Each type of surveys will be conducted in the pilot courts, in view of testing the methodology and further dissemination of satisfaction surveys as a good practice in all Moldovan courts. Mr Luigi Cipollini, a CEPEJ expert and statistician of the Department of Statistics and Organizational Analysis of the Ministry of Justice of Italy, explained the challenges of conducting satisfaction surveys at court level and provided advice on how to overcome them, based on the experience of Italian courts. 

*The activity was conducted under the Project "Strengthening the efficiency of justice and support to lawyer’s profession in the Republic of Moldova", which is part of the CoE/EU Eastern Partnership Programmatic Cooperation Framework 2015-2017, financed by the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe.




Chisinau 18-19 May 2016
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