Înapoi Workshop on Criminal Justice Responses to Prison Overcrowding in EaP

Workshop on Criminal Justice Responses to Prison Overcrowding in EaP

How can Eastern Partnership countries prevent prison overcrowding? One of the answers is the criminal justice in each country.

A regional workshop on the “Criminal Justice Responses to Prison Overcrowding in Eastern Partnership Countries” will take place on 22-23 June 2016, at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Kyiv (Ukraine).

The Regional Workshop will bring together high officials of the Ministries of Justice of Armenia, Moldova and Ukraine and the Ministry of Corrections of Georgia with an aim of presenting and discussing draft strategies on implementation of the country specific recommendations defined by the study on preventing/combating prison overcrowding in Eastern Partnership countries. Additionally, the new guidelines of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture on living space per prisoner, the draft White Paper on Prison Overcrowding of the Penological Council of the Council of Europe and recent case-law of the European Court of Human Rights on prison overcrowding will be presented to the participants.

The Regional Workshop is a follow-up activity of the “Criminal Justice Responses to Prison Overcrowding in Eastern Partnership Countries” Regional Conference (which took place in February 2016 in Tbilisi) and three country-specific round tables held in Yerevan, Kyiv and Chisinau in April 2016.

This Regional Workshop is part of the larger programme on “Promoting penitentiary reforms (from a punitive to a rehabilitative approach)” which is implemented within the framework of the European Commission and Council of Europe Programmatic Cooperation Framework for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus.


 List of participants

Contact for press registration and more information:
 +33 6 63 89 39 26

headline Kyiv 10 June 2016
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