Înapoi GirlsGoIT summer camp in Moldova on human rights on the Internet

GirlsGoIT summer camp in Moldova on human rights on the Internet

The GirlsGoIT 2016 Summer Camp took place from 23-31 July. Over nine days, 39 girls aged between 16 and 20 from 10 regions of Moldova – Chisinau, Straseni, Calarași, Ungheni, Rezina, Orhei, Salcuta, Stefan Voda, UTA Gagauzia and Hincesti – had the opportunity to learn about web development, human rights for internet users, network neutrality, teamwork and aspects related to the continuity of the programme and community mobilisation.

Council of Europe expert Dr. Joanna Kulesza facilitated a session on human rights for internet users and network neutrality for programme participants aiming to increase the awareness and capacity of young people to monitor the respect of their human rights on the Internet while developing ICT.

Considering the long term goal of the programme, which is to empower girls and women through people-centred ICT, the participants have worked on the future plans of the local chapters (in the 10 regions represented at the camp) and on project ideas which will be implemented locally to multiply the impact of the programme.

The goal of the programme is to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation in Moldova through the empowerment of women and girls in ICT.

The GirlsGoIT Summer Camp 2016 is organised with the financial support of the USAID Competitiveness Program in Moldova, UN Women Moldova, the Council of Europe within the framework of the joint CoE/EU project “Strengthening the respect for human rights in the implementation of the Republic of Moldova’s Digital Agenda”, the Swiss Cooperation Office in Moldova, the German Embassy in Moldova and also the Moldovan Association of ICT Companies, IP Group and the American Language Center in Moldova.



MOLDOVA: GirlsGoIT summer camp


Chisinau 31 July 2016
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