Înapoi Reporting on piloting of the Local Finance Benchmarking (LFB) and introducing the LFB database in Georgia

Reporting on piloting of the Local Finance Benchmarking (LFB) and introducing the LFB database in Georgia

A reporting workshop on the application of the Council of Europe (CoE)  Local Finance Benchmark (LFB) toolkit adjusted to local needs was organised in co-operation with the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure (MRDI) of Georgia on 6th of April 2017 in Tbilisi, Georgia.

The event gathered about 60 participants throughout Georgia and several officials and experts from Armenia, encouraging the exchange of views and opinions. Among the participants were representatives of the MRDI and CEGSTAR of Georgia and the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Development of Armenia, local authorities and associations of local authorities, local experts from both participating countries, as well as representatives of the European Union Delegation to Georgia and the Council of Europe office in Tbilisi.

The main goal of the workshop was to learn about the LFB piloting results in 7 Georgian and 5 Armenian municipalities, as well as to discuss the future prospects for extending the implementation of the LFB and fiscal database in the two countries.

Participants were also presented with the chance to go over the new web-application designed to foster the use of local finance database and benchmarking toolkit. It shall have been finalised by the middle of April, in accordance with the participant’s suggestions.

The event was organised within the Programme "Strengthening institutional frameworks for local governance in the Eastern Partnership countries" under the Programmatic Cooperation Framework (PCF) for 2015-2017 funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Council of Europe.

Tbilisi 26 April 2017
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