Қоғамдық өмiрдің және мемлекеттiк әкімшіліктің көптеген салаларында Орталық Азия елдерi өздерiнiң географиялық жақындығына, жалпы тарихына және көп жағынан ұқсас әлеуметтiк, экономикалық және саяси жағдайларына байланысты бiр сипаттағы проблемалармен бетпе-бет кездеседі. Бұл ортақ сипаттар Бағдарламаның құқық үстемдігі саласындағы аймақтық құрамдасын қалыптастыру және осы ортақ проблемаларды шешу бойынша аймақтық іс-шараларды орындау қажеттілігіне негіз болады.

Аймақтық бастамалар түрлі елдерде бір салада жұмыс істейтін лауазымды тұлғалар мен мамандар арасында байланыс орнату үшін және аймақта жинақталған озық тәжірибені алмасу үшін тамаша мүмкіндіктер береді. Жұмыстың жаңа салаларын зерделеуге және (немесе) Еуропа Кеңесінің қолданыстағы жұмыс пішімдерін қабылдауға байланысты жұмыста аймақтық тәсілдеме де осы мақсатқа сай келеді.

Аймақтағы ынтымақтастық, шекара аралық мәселелерді шешу немесе аймақтық деңгейде тәуекелдерді бағалау үшін келіссөз жүргізу, аймақтық тетіктерді қалыптастыру мен жүзеге асыру туралы сөз болған кезде, шын мәнінде қажет.

Жекелеген елдердің мұқтаждықтары негізінде нақты басқару мәселелерін шешуге бағытталған аймақтық іс-шаралар аймақтық тәсілдемені толықтыра түседі.


Closing Regional Conference of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2024

11 June 2024 Astana

On 11 June 2024, the joint EU/Council of Europe Central Asia Rule of Law Programme organised its Closing Regional Conference in Astana, Kazakhstan. The aim of the meeting was to take stock of the programme results and lessons learned during its implementation years from 2020 to 2024. Central...

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Spring School on “Human Rights and Environment” for law students from the Central Asia region

14-18 May 2024 Almaty, Kazakhstan

On 14-18 May 2024, the Council of Europe, in co-operation with the Human Rights Commission under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organised a Spring school on human rights and environment for law students from the Central Asia region, attended by 41 law. They come from 14 different...

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Exchange of experience with Central Asian countries on possible abuses of virtual assets

24-25 October 2023 Strasbourg (France)

The Council of Europe organised a two-day workshop on “Preventing the abuse of virtual assets – tools and comparative experiences against economic crime” on 24-25 October 2023 in Strasbourg (France). This inter-regional workshop brought together more than 50 representatives of Ministries,...

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Орталық Азияда құқық үстемдігін орнату бойынша бағдарламасының Өңірлік басқару комитетінің екінші отырысы

28 June 2023 Astana, Kazakhstan

2023 жылғы 26-27 маусымда Орталық Азияда құқық үстемдігін орнату бойынша ЕО және Еуропа Кеңесінің Бағдарламасы шеңберінде Қазақстанда, Астана қаласында өңірлік басқару комитетінің екінші отырысы ұйымдастырылды. Кездесудің мақсаты – 2024 жылдың маусым айына дейін ұзартылған Бағдарламасының қалған...

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International conference on models of constitutional complaints in Central Asian countries in Uzbekistan

25-26 May 2023 Samarkand, Uzbekistan

The Venice Commission of the Council of Europe in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan organised an international conference entitled “Models of constitutional complaints in Central Asian countries” on 25-26 May 2023 in Samarkand. The event gathered more than...

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Іс-шараларды ұйымдастыруға арналған халықаралық тендер

2023 жылғы 23 мамыр Страсбург

Еуропа Кеңесі Орталық Азияда Заң үстемдігін Еуропалық Одақ/Еуропалық Кеңестің бірлескен бағдарламасы аясында іс-шараларды ұйымдастыруға Қазақстан, Қырғызстан, Тәжікстан, Түркіменстан және Өзбекстанда логистикалық қолдау көрсету үшін қызмет жеткізушілерін іздейді. Жеткізушілер Орталық Азияның бес...

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European standards of prevention of torture and ill-treatment: focus of high-level conference in Almaty

20 April 2023 Almaty, Kazakhstan

On 20 April 2023, the Council of Europe in co-operation with the Prosecutor General’s Office of Kazakhstan, the Commissioner for Human Rights and the Human Rights Commission under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, held a conference in Almaty under the theme “Prevention of torture and...

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Exchange of experiences and practices between Europe and Central Asia on asset recovery and asset management


Comparative good practices on recovery, management and disposal of frozen, seized or confiscated proceeds of crime were shared with around 100 practitioners and policy makers of Central Asian and European jurisdictions. They also learned more on how to enhance co-operation in the region and with...

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Enhancing capacities of investigators and prosecutors from Central Asia on financial investigations of corruption, money-laundering and terrorist financing cases


Guidelines on financial investigations were presented to representatives of law enforcement authorities, financial intelligence units and anti-corruption agencies of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan during a regional workshop held in Astana on 12-13 December 2022....

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Legal professionals from Central Asia countries visit the Council of Europe

5 July 2022 Strasbourg

A delegation from national training institutions from all five states of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) came to the Council of Europe headquarters in Strasbourg for a one-day study visit on 29 June and to participate in the annual HELP Conference...

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Visit of national consultants of Central Asia Rule of Law Programme to Strasbourg

4 July 2022 Strasbourg

On 28 June-1 July, five local long-term consultants supporting the implementation of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme respectively in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan visited the Council of Europe headquarters in Strasbourg, France. The consultants...

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Facilitating regional dialogue to modernise public administration in Central Asia

13 May 2022 Tashkent

The Council of Europe and the European Union continue to promote efficient functioning of state institutions and public administration in Central Asia. This was reiterated during a 2-day regional conference “Modernisation of the public administration in Central Asia and respect of the rule of law...

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The Сouncil of Europe and the European Union support Central Asian countries in combating corruption and economic crime

9-10 December 2021 Bishkek

The Council of Europe and the European Union continue to facilitate the enhancement of national systems of Central Asian countries in the area of fighting and preventing economic crime and corruption. During the two-day regional hybrid conference on 9-10 December 2021, the law enforcement...

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TENDER: Consultant support in the implementation of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme

3 November 2021 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe is looking for Consultant(s) in order to support the implementation of the joint initiative of the European Union and the Council of Europe - Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2023 in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The consultant...

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European Union and Council of Europe reiterate their continued support to reforms to ensure human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Central Asia

4 June 2021 Strasbourg

The European Union (EU) and the Council of Europe (CoE) remain crucial partners of authorities in Central Asia in supporting the reform process in the areas of human rights protection, fight against economic crime and promotion of effective functioning of state institutions. This has been...

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European Union and Council of Europe present the state of implementation of their joint programme in Central Asia to support human rights, democracy and the rule of law

25 May 2021 Strasbourg

The first Regional Steering Committee Meeting of the European Union and Council of Europe joint Central Asia Rule of Law Programme will be held online on Friday, 4 June 2021. The meeting will take stock of the Programme’s achievements within almost one and a half year of implementation in...

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EVENT POSTPONED - Regional Steering Committee Meeting / Presentation of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2023

26 January 2021 Strasbourg

The first Regional Steering Committee Meeting, initially planned for 29 January 2021, together with the presentation of the Programme to the media, has been postponed to a later date. The team of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme sincerely thanks all partners, stakeholders and speakers who...

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Promoting Efficient Functioning of State Institutions and Public Administration - Tender call for intellectual services

27 November 2020 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe is currently implementing the project “Promote efficient functioning of state institutions and public administration” as part of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme which is a joint initiative of the European Union and the Council of Europe. In that context, it is looking...

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World Day against the Death Penalty, 10 October 2020: Joint Declaration by EU High Representative and Council of Europe Secretary General

9 October 2020 Strasbourg

Today on the World and European Day Against the Death Penalty, the European Union and the Council of Europe reaffirm their opposition to the use of capital punishment in all circumstances and call for the universal abolition of the death penalty. We welcome the continued decline in the use of the...

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Launch of the EU/CoE Central Asia Rule of Law Programme

28 November 2019 Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

The Council of Europe and the European Union officially launched a regional joint programme in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) on 28 November 2019 at the occasion of the EU Regional Conference on Enhanced Integration for Prosperity in Central Asia....

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