Еуропа мен Орталық Азия арасында ортақ құқықтық кеңістік құруға жәрдемдесу және адам құқықтарын қорғауды күшейту

Еуропаның (континенттік) және Орталық Азияның құқықтық жүйелерінің тарихы ортақ негізден бастау алатындықтан, олар көптеген жағынан ұқсас болып қалуда. Осы Іс-шараның стратегиялық мақсаты еуропалық және халықаралық стандарттар негізінде Еуропа мен Орталық Азия арасында ортақ құқықтық кеңістік құру ісіне бастама жасау болып табылады. Бұл іс-шара екі қосымша құрамдастан тұрады: Еуропа Кеңесінің конвенциялары туралы хабардарлықты арттыру және білім беру арқылы адам құқықтарын қорғауды күшейту. Соңғы құрамдас Еуропа Кеңесінің адам құқықтары саласында заңгерлерге білім беру бағдарламасының (HELP) шеңберінде жүзеге асырылады.


Еуропа Кеңесінің конвенциялары адам құқықтарын, демократияны және құқықтың үстемдігін нығайтуға және жалпы еуропалық деңгейде және одан тыс жерлерде ортақ құқықтық кеңістік құруға жәрдемдесетін басты қайнар көз деп саналады. Сондықтан Орталық Азиядағы ұлттық билік органдары мен азаматтық қоғам субъектілерінің конвенциялар жүйесін терең түсінуіне және тиімді жүзеге асыруына жәрдемдесудің маңызы зор. Жұмыстың шеңберінде және әр серіктестің мұқтаждықтары мен басымдықтарына қарай аймақтық және ұлттық деңгейлерде мынадай іс-шаралар ұйымдастырылады:

  • заңнамаға шолу жасау және баға беру;
  • ұсыныстамалар мен жарияланымдарды дайындау;
  • әріптестердің пікір алмасуы, конференциялар, семинарлар, жұмыс топтары және т.б.

Back European Union and Council of Europe reiterate their continued support to reforms to ensure human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Central Asia

European Union and Council of Europe reiterate their continued support to reforms to ensure human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Central Asia

The European Union (EU) and the Council of Europe (CoE) remain crucial partners of authorities in Central Asia in supporting the reform process in the areas of human rights protection, fight against economic crime and promotion of effective functioning of state institutions. This has been recalled earlier on today during the first Regional Steering Committee Meeting of the joint EU/CoE Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2023, held online.

The participants took stock of the Programme’s progress, achieved over the past 17 months, during which the EU and the CoE helped to advance the reform agenda in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The participants also welcomed the Programme’s flexibility in tackling challenges in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic which significantly impacted the implementation of the Programme.

Ambassador of the EU Delegation to Kazakhstan Sven-Olov Carlsson and the Director of the Office of the Directorate General of Programmes of the Council of Europe Verena Taylor praised a fruitful co-operation, which was established with the beneficiary institutions and stakeholders despite the challenging circumstances of the last year. There is a clear engagement to work together on the creation of common legal space between Europe and Central Asia, improvement of the knowledge of legal professionals about the international human right standards, enhancement of human rights protection, facilitation of a more transparent economic environment and efficient functioning of public administration. The representatives of the European Union and of the Council of Europe reiterated their commitment to continue supporting Central Asian colleagues to ensure justice and protection of fundamental rights that are the essential elements for security, peace and fruitful development in compliance with European and international standards.

High-level officials of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Ministries of Justice, General Prosecutor’s Offices, Supreme Courts, Anti-Corruption Agencies, Constitutional Councils, Ombudsman’s Offices and other institutions of the Central Asian countries highlighted the quality of the assistance in revising legislation, building institutional capacities and technical support to reforms in Central Asian countries provided by the Council of Europe’s experts.


The Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2023 is a joint initiative of the European Union and the Council of Europe in co-operation with the authorities of five Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) has been implemented in the period of four years. Its main objective is to improve the lives of citizens by reinforcing human rights, rule of law and democracy in accordance with European and other international standards. With the overall budget of €8,889,000 (90% funded by the European Union, 10% by the Council of Europe), the Programme takes actions in three fields:

In the field of facilitating the creation of a common legal space between Europe and Central Asia and enhancing human rights protection, the Programme strengthens co-operation with state institutions and civil societies in order to raise awareness of the Council of Europe’s conventions and provide trainings for legal professionals to expand their knowledge on European human rights standards. The first training had a regional approach and gathered legal professionals from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

In the field of promoting transparency and action against economic crime, the Programme provides technical assistance to the national authorities in preventing corruption, money laundering and terrorism financing as well as enhancing business integrity and protecting entrepreneurs’ rights. The webinars on anti-corruption legal standards have been conducted in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan and an expert’s analysis of their national legislative frameworks on corruption prevention is underway. Continuous co-operation is ensured with Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan through a range of meetings.

In the field of promoting efficient functioning of state institutions and public administration, the Venice Commission on behalf of the Programme supports partner countries to develop new legislation in the fields of rule of law and public administration. Within the intensive work, two Venice Commission opinions were adopted upon requests of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan as well as several co-ordination meetings took place with the authorities of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to discuss further needs for co-operation.

More information on the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme

The Council of Europe is the continent’s leading human rights organisation. It comprises 47 member states, including all members of the European Union. All Council of Europe member states have signed up to the European Convention on Human Rights, a treaty designed to protect human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The European Court of Human Rights oversees the implementation of the Convention in the member states.

The member states of the European Union have decided to link together their know-how, resources and destinies. Together, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The European Union is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries and peoples beyond its borders.

Press contacts

Tatiana Baeva, Spokesperson/Media Officer

Mariia Polezhaeva, Central Asia Rule of Law Programme Communication Support Assistant

Elnura Abakanova, Communications officer, EU Delegation to Kazakhstan

Strasbourg 4 June 2021
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