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School name: Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj

Learn more about this school project

School type: Primary school

Address: Kralja Petra I 59, Ðurdevo-Žabalj, Serbia

Contacts (phone, fax, email)
School Team
  • Aleksandra Ristic, English teacher
  • Mirjana Ostojic, German teacher
  • Sonja Šanta, psychologist
  • Vukica Petrovic, pedagogue
  • Marija Trtic, headteacher
Teacher Team
  • Danijela Samardzic
  • Ljubica Klepic
  • Eda Dujakovic
  • Ana Radic
  • Slobodan Djurdjic

Number of pupils: 556

Number of male students: 276

Number of female students: 280

Male/female student ratio: m 50 % / f 50 % 

Diversity – Inclusion issues

School has various national and ethnic minorities attending and is bilingual Serbian/Rusyn (Eastern Ukranian language). There also 13% of Roma students and there are also adult learners. School also has a certain number of students with special educational needs who are slowly being included into regular classes. Being a rural, multicultural municipality, there is the issue of poverty and accessibility to school.

Level of inclusive practices/experience

School management and staff is well trained and they have been very active in the processes of inclusion of Roma and adult learners. There is very high motivation, openness to training and exchanges and networking with other schools. This is definitively one of the positive examples in inclusive approaches in the rural areas.