The joint EU/CoE programme “Roma Women’s Access to Justice”, JUSTROM3, has been granted until August 2021 and consultants contracted in the four countries of implementation: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Romania.
The aims of the programme are:
- to address multiple discrimination and improve related access to justice of Roma women by supporting the empowerment of Roma women through increasing their awareness about discrimination, complaint mechanisms, the justice system and human rights institutions/equality bodies;
- to enhance professional resources used at national level by the judiciary, law enforcement and NGOs/human rights advocates regarding the application of anti-discrimination standards with a focus on multiple discrimination, gender equality and Roma women;
- to increase synergies between the institutional frameworks of the European Union and Council of Europe, including through National Roma Contact Points (NRCP) and “Council of Europe’s expert group on Roma”, and with national and local authorities on national Roma integration strategies, and civil society regarding access to justice.
The activities organised under JUSTROM3 programme are concentrated around the following 3 pillars the programme is built on.
Empowerment of Roma women Enhancement of professional resourcesIncreased of synergies and partnerships
Community of change
JUSTROM3 is part of the community Roma EU-CoE Joint Actions.
This is an online platform for both the Council of Europe Strategic Action Plan for Roma and Traveller Inclusion (2020‑2025) and the Joint EU-CoE Programmes currently implemented by the Council of Europe, namely: ROMACT, ROMACTED, INSCHOOL and JUSTROM.
It aims to spread, share and exchange information from Council of Europe member states and other stakeholders on recent developments in regard to Roma inclusion measures and actions.

For additional information regarding the JUSTROM3 programme, please contact the management team.