Охирги йилларда, Қирғизистон Европа Кенгаши билан нисбатан кенг кўламли мавзуларда, айниқса Қирғизистон учун қўшничилик ҳамкорлиги устуворлиги доирасида 2015-2019 йиллар давомида фаол ҳамкорлик олиб боради. Ушбу ҳужжат доирасида, уч лойиҳа амалга оширилди: “Сайлов ислоҳотлари орқали демократияни мустаҳкамлашни қўллаб-қувватлаш”, “Қирғизистон Республикасида порахўрликнинг олдини олиш ва унга қарши курашишни кучайтириш”, “Янги авлод етакчиларни ўқитиш”: Сиёсий фанлар мактаби”.

Модомики, 2019 йил декабр ойида Устуворликлар поёнига етган экан, Европа Кенгаши ва Қирғизистон ҳукумати ҳозирги кунда ҳамкорликнинг келгуси стратегиясини муҳокама қилмоқда. Айни пайтда, Ўрта Осиёда қонун устуворлиги дастури Европа Кенгаши ва Қирғизистон ўртасидаги ҳамкорликнинг асосий воситаси бўлиб хизмат қилади.

Давлат шунингдек Европа Кенгаши ва Европа Иттифоқининг “Лотин Америкаси, Марказий Осиё ва Монголия давлатларида сайлов қонунчилиги ва амалиёти ислоҳотларини, шунингдек инсон ҳуқуқлари бўйича минтақавий воситалар ва механизмларни қўллаб-қувватлаш” қўшма дастурида иштирок этади”..


Back Kyrgyz judges and prosecutors enhance their capacities for the adjudication of economic crime cases

Kyrgyz judges and prosecutors enhance their capacities for the adjudication of economic crime cases

The Action “Promoting Transparency and Action against Economic Crime” in Central Asia organised a workshop on “Adjudication of economic crime cases for the judges and prosecutors of the Kyrgyz Republic”. The event, which took place on 23-24 November in Bishkek, aimed at enhancing the capacities of the judiciary and the prosecutors in Kyrgyzstan to effectively investigate economic crime cases.

The workshop gathered 29 judges, prosecutors as well as representatives of the High School of Justice under the Supreme Court and the Training Centre of the State Financial Intelligence Service (Kyrgyz FIU). The trainers who had previously instructed judges and prosecutors from Bishkek, regional courts and prosecution offices, also participated in the workshop. The participants are expected to transfer the acquired knowledge to their colleagues in courts and prosecution offices in the country.

The workshop provided the participants with up-to-date information to deepen their understanding of the concept of financial investigation and of its role in the fight against economic crime. It also covered the existing judicial challenges in seizure and confiscation with non-conviction-based confiscation (NCBC). The activity increased the awareness of the participants of the best practices in other jurisdictions in conducting judicial control over the pre-trial investigation in the money laundering and financing of terrorism (ML/TF) cases. It also provided examples of the judicial proceedings, processes with direct and indirect evidence, standard of proof and evaluation of evidence of ML cases and trial management of ML cases.

The participants also discussed the existing trends and challenges in the area of seizure and confiscation of the proceeds from economic crimes. They highlighted the need for national and international cooperation in adjudicating economic crimes and for the relevant tools to manage such coordination. 

This activity was organised by the Action on “Promoting Transparency and Action against Economic Crime” in the framework of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2024, which is a joint initiative co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe. The Action is aimed at strengthening capacities to fight and prevent economic crime in five Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan).

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