Înapoi PCF mid-term results shared with diplomatic delegations in Strasbourg

PCF mid-term results shared with diplomatic delegations in Strasbourg

Today the activities of the CoE/EU Programmatic Cooperation Framework for Eastern Partnership countries (PCF) were presented to the Permanent Representations and Observers to the Council of Europe.

The PCF team had a stand during the Open Day of the Office of the Directorate General of Programmes (ODGP), which coordinates the technical assistance programmes of the Council of Europe, and is responsible for the implementation of the transversal component of the PCF.

The Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni said in her opening speech: ‘Our co-operation with the European Union remains very important, with whom we are close political partners, and from whom our joint projects received €43 million in 2015. And, in the same year, no less than 38 member states made voluntary contributions. All of this shows a great deal of confidence from our members and partners, for which we remain very grateful, and for which we work every day. Those relationships are based on trust, and on shared values. We strive constantly to provide the best possible service, with maximum impact for Europe’s citizens, looking always to ensure value for money.’

The Ambassadors and delegation staff were able to discover the the mid-term results of Programmatic Cooperation Framework projects through short films, documentation and talking with the PCF team.

Strasbourg 20 January 2017
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