© Illustration by Ana Mendes; photo by Marlies Pöschl

© Illustration by Ana Mendes; photo by Marlies Pöschl


 Mark E. Taylor


Hello plugged-in readers!

Everywhere we look in the youth world at the moment people are talking about, experimenting with, writing about, even constructing DIGITAL YOUTH WORK. So much so that in the Coyote editorial team, we have had quite a time deciding what to leave out of this issue!

As so often, we started our journey at a youth-work related event: the EU Youth conference in Tallinn, where youth participation, SMART YOUTH WORK and all things digital were on the agenda and even – at the opening dinner – before our eyes as we jumped into virtual reality.

So, what have we discovered along the way?

  • We have seen how to make a really interactive EU-level youth conference – setting the lines working towards youth-defined goals for the future
  • We have found out about concepts of smart youth work and how they are linked to digital youth work
  • We were inspired by Estonian singer IIRIS’s courage in changing direction, sense of fun and musicality!
  • We learned how to protect and campaign for our digital rights
  • We discovered how Big Data could be used for the benefit of young people and youth work
  • We gained different perspectives on using digital tools and approaches in support of quality youth work
  • We had a long think about our use of selfies!
  • We realised how useful Open Badges can be in identifying and recognising learning
  • And we harvested a whole host of additional resources for you to explore.

Many thanks to the organisers of the Tallinn conference and the Digital Youth Work conference in Vienna for facilitating the work of the editorial team.

This edition of Coyote marks the end of eight years of inspiring collaboration with Marlies Pöschl who has been really our artistic director and made so many wonderful contributions over the years. As an artist and film maker - amongst many other talents - Marlies is one to look out for! Danke Dir!

Technical note:
Although we do not have a printed edition of Coyote anymore, we do realise that some people like to be able to read articles on paper – so just click on the pdf icon at the top right of each page and you will be able to obtain a pdf of the relevant article.

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Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth
c/o Council of Europe / Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation Youth Department / F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex, France
c/o Council of Europe / Brussels office / Avenue des Nerviens 85 / B-1040 Brussels / Belgium