PRESS RELEASE: second regional cybercrime co-operation exercise

21 March 2018 Chisinau

The Cybercrime Programme Office of the Council of Europe, within the framework of Cybecrime@EAP 2018 and Global Action on Cybercrime Extended (GLACY+) projects, is supporting the joint efforts of the Computer Emergency Response Team Moldova and Computer Emergency Response Team Romania in the...

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Cooperation with global service providers enhanced through regional cyber forum in Bulgaria

6 November 2017 Sofia

More than 300 cyber security experts from public and private sector, representatives of leading ICT companies, financial organisations, banks, pharmaceutical industry, logistics, energy and utility companies, NGOs, academia, law enforcement officials from over 20 countries, international...

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Update of procedural legislation and public-private cooperation studies in the Eastern Partnership region

16 October 2017 Baku

Meetings with criminal justice institutions, regulatory authorities and Internet service providers in Baku, Azerbaijan, on 12-13 October 2017, has opened the series of follow-up visits to Eastern Partnership states, which aim to update two studies developed previously by the Council of Europe:...

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Support to internet governance events in Ukraine

10 October 2017 Kyiv

As a part of the Cybercrime@EAP III project devoted to public-private cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence, the Cybercrime Programme Office of the Council of Europe (C-PROC) supported the annual Internet industry meetings in Kyiv, Ukraine, by contributing its expertise on strategic...

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Cybercrime@EAP III and iPROCEEDS: Investigating cybercrime and its financial gain

28 April 2017 Tbilisi

Today the five-day cybercrime exercise finished. 50 prosecutors, cybercrime investigators, financial investigation/intelligence and cyber security specialists from 12 countries from Eastern Europe, South-eastern Europe and Turkey had to work together to solve a series of technical challenges...

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Cybercrime@EAP III and iPROCEEDS: investigating cybercrime and its financial gain – working together effectively

27 April 2017 Tbilisi

A novel initiative comprising 12 countries from the Eastern Partnership Region, South-eastern Europe and Turkey was launched today in Tbilisi, Georgia through a Cybercrime Coordination and Partnership Exercise to explore and establish closer links between professional communities of cybercrime...

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EAP II/EAP III: Training on International Cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence for the Eastern Partnership region


International cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence is a difficult and challenging task for criminal justice professionals. The prevalence of cybercrime and the challenges in reliably securing electronic evidence across national borders require a fast, efficient and meaningful...

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Dialogue between law enforcement and Internet industry in Ukraine

8-9 February 2017 Kyiv

The issue of proper legislative basis for law enforcement access to data held by private service providers extends beyond obvious need for having proper safeguards and guarantees in this process. It is also an issue of building trust in terms of public-private cooperation on cybercrime and...

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EAP III: Armenia will gain insight into best practice on public-private cooperation on cybercrime

16 December 2016 Yerevan

On 7-8 November 2016, the Cybercrime@EAP III project organized a session on public-private cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence in Yerevan, with the support and participation of the project country team comprising law enforcement, policy makers and the private sector (internet...

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CyberCrime@EAP III: Regulatory efforts on public-private cooperation in Georgia and international Cyber Security event

16 December 2016 Tbilisi

Georgian authorities have been active in the area of addressing and regulating public-private cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence for a fairly long time. Georgia was one of the first countries of the region to adopt and implement the Memorandum of Cooperation between the law...

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EAP III: Report on Ukraine regarding public-private cooperation on cybercrime

9 November 2016 Kyiv

Cooperation between criminal justice authorities and private sector entities, including in particular service providers, is essential to protect society against crime. Such cooperation concerns primarily access by police and prosecution services to data held by service providers for criminal...

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EAP III: Assessment of Moldovan legislative amendments on cybercrime and electronic evidence supported by the Council of Europe experts

9 November 2016 Chisinau

On 2 and 3 November 2016, the Council of Europe experts, Ms. Cristina SCHULMAN, Legal Adviser to the International Law Department of the Ministry of Justice of Romania and Ms. Ioana ALBANI, Deputy Chief-Prosecutor of the Directorate for Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism - Prosecutor's...

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Cybercrime and electronic evidence in the Eastern Partnership

6-7 April Kyiv

The new joint project of the EU and the Council of Europe on Improving public/private cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence in the Eastern Partnership will be launched at a regional meeting in Kyiv, Ukraine, from 6 to 7 April 2016. Meeting agenda The project aims to support countries...

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CyberCrime@EAP II: Second International Meeting

14-16 December 2015 Tbilisi

A new international event under the CyberCrime@EAP II project on “Improving International Cooperation on Cybercrime in the Eastern Partnership Region” took place from 14-16 December 2015, in Tbilisi, Georgia. It was a second in a series of three international meetings on the topic, which was...

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Second Regional Meeting on public-private cooperation in cybercrime

16 September 2016 Minsk

On 19-20 September, the Council of Europe Cybercrime Programme Office will hold a Second Regional Meeting of the Cybercrime@Eastern Partnership III Project in Minsk, Belarus, which will focus on issues of public-private cooperation in cybercrime and electronic evidence. The Regional Meeting is a...

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Assessing law enforcement and service provider cooperation in fighting cybercrime

30 March 2015 Kyiv

An assessment visit on public/private cooperation took place in Kyiv, Ukraine on March 30-1 April. This assessment will map current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks regarding public/private, and specifically law enforcement/service provider cooperation, in fighting cybercrime. The...

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Спільна боротьба з кіберзлочинністю

9-11 вересня 2015 року Бухарест

Як країни «Східного партнерства» можуть об'єднати свої зусилля у боротьбі з кіберзлочинністю? Такою буде тема обговорення на заході з нагоди запуску проекту в Бухаресті, Румунія (9-11 вересня 2015 року). Експерти з теми, у галузі судового і поліцейського співробітництва, із шести країн «Східного...

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EaP cybercrime units attend Europol-INTERPOL Conference

30 September - 2 October 2015 Hague

The latest information on cybercrime threats and trends, as well as the practical aspects of recent cybercrime cases, were discussed at the 3rd Europol-INTERPOL Cybercrime Conference (September 30 – October 2 2015) held in the Hague. Experts in cybercrime from Eastern Partnership countries...

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