Înapoi Evaluation of the performance of enforcement systems and reporting in the Republic of Moldova

Evaluation of the performance of enforcement systems and reporting in the Republic of Moldova

An online seminar on the evaluation and reporting on the performance of enforcement systems and their agents was conducted in the Republic of Moldova. The seminar gathered 25 participants, from the Moldovan National Union of Enforcement Agents as well as court presidents and judges.

With the support of experts from the Netherlands, France, Lithuania and Ukraine, the participants discussed models and methods of evaluation of the results of the enforcement system and of individual enforcement agents. The experts made recommendations on performance indicators and other statistical data to be used in the Republic of Moldova for the purpose of an objective evaluation, as well as the IT solutions to support this process.

The improvement of the system of performance evaluation and reporting should have a positive impact on the quality of justice administration and increase its transparency as well as accountability of the enforcement system as a whole.

The activity is implemented in the framework of the project “Support to further strengthening the efficiency and quality of the judicial system in the Republic of Moldova”, funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe in their Partnership for Good Governance II.

Republic of Moldova 25 May 2021
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