136th Plenary session of the Venice Commission: New opinions prepared under the Quick Response Mechanism

11 October 2023 Venice, Italy

At its 136th plenary session (held on 6-7 October 2023), the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe adopted, among others: Armenia: the joint Opinion of the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR on the draft amendments to the Electoral Code and related legislation Republic of Moldova: the...

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Police officers trained on investigation of hate crimes in line with European standards

6 October 2023 Comrat, Republic of Moldova

Hate speech, incitement to violence and discrimination can escalate into further, more severe forms of violence. That is why a prompt and professional intervention of investigative agents and competent legal institutions is vital for preventing and combating the phenomenon of hatred and its...

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Combating discrimination and hate speech as law enforcement: a training for the National Police of Ukraine

4-5 October 2023 Kyiv, Ukraine

According to the Committee of Ministers: "member States should make available effective and targeted training programmes for all those involved in preventing and combating hate speech, including the members and staff of law-enforcement services, security forces, prosecution services, the...

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The guide “Combating hate speech in the media in the Republic of Moldova” available now in English, Romanian and Russian

5 October 2023 Republic of Moldova

An increasing number of cases of hate speech and discrimination in the public space and the media in the Republic of Moldova has been registered according to the monitoring reports of the non-governmental organisation PROMO-LEX Association. The guide “Combating hate speech in the media in the...

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Joint efforts in combating hate speech, sexism and other forms of gender-based violence in elections in the Republic of Moldova

29 September 2023 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Over 60 people, representing electoral management bodies, local authorities, non-governmental organisations, anti-discrimination stakeholders, mass-media and potential voters gathered at a round-table aimed at building a common platform for discussions on the importance of preventing and...

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Strengthening dialogue on equality between the Ombudsperson’s Office and civil society organizations in Azerbaijan

28 September 2023 Azerbaijan

Representatives of nine civil society organisations (CSOs) working with and/or representing vulnerable groups in Azerbaijan and the Office of Ombudsperson of the Republic of Azerbaijan exchanged at a working-level meeting to explore possible ways to improve coordination and identify potential...

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Second visit of CEPEJ experts to pilot courts within the court coaching programme in Georgia

25-28 September 2023 Georgia

The court coaching programme of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) continues with the second visit to the Supreme Court of Georgia and the Rustavi Municipal Court, as well as with the first visit to two other pilot courts: the Zugdidi District Court and the Batumi...

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Building a common understanding of the hate speech phenomenon and data collection in Ukraine

22 September 2023 Ukraine

An online round table, first from a series of events planned, brought together more than 40 representatives of state institutions, civil society organisations and networks in Ukraine. The participants discussed challenges in defining hate speech, possible actors that should be involved with the...

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Listening local needs, ahead of supporting vulnerable groups against hatred at local level in the Republic of Moldova

21 September 2023 Calarasi, Republic of Moldova

Hate speech and hate crime are phenomena faced by many individuals and communities, especially the most vulnerable in the society. Hate and incitement to it is spreading throughout Europe, the Republic of Moldova being no exception. Those more vulnerable in the society, such as Roma community...

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Advancing prosecution and adjudication of money laundering cases in Azerbaijan

19-20 September 2023 Baku, Azerbaijan

Bilateral meetings were organised with national authorities in Azerbaijan to advance the prosecution and adjudication of money laundering and asset recovery cases. Discussions were held with the Supreme Court, the General Prosecutor's Office, the Anti-Corruption General Directorate under the...

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