Înapoi Consultative Council of European Judges' Opinion 23 on the role of associations of judges in supporting judicial independence will be discussed online

Consultative Council of European Judges' Opinion 23 on the role of associations of judges in supporting judicial independence will be discussed online

On 17 December at 15:00 (CET) evening discussions about Consultative Council of European Judges' (CCJE) Opinion 23 on the role of associations of judges in supporting judicial independence will be held online.

The main objective of the Opinion is to provide a framework within which the right of judges to associate can be effectively exercised; CCJE also calls upon the Member States to refrain from any interventions which might infringe the independence of the associations of judges. The CCJE also notes that associations of judges should be closely involved in any judicial reform efforts, and that training and ethics are important areas of work for them as well.


Gerhard Reisner - Judge, former Austrian member of CCJE, former President of a district court in Vienna, Honorary president of the International Association of Judges.


Nino Bakakuri, Justice of Supreme Court of Georgia, Georgian member of CCJE, the representative of Georgia and CEPEJ bureau member.


Evening talks are organised within the framework of a Project "Support to the Judicial Reform" co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe under the Partnership for Good Governance II Programme.

To attend the event.

For more detailed information.

For English – Georgian interpretation. 

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