Eforturi pentru a îmbunătăți eficiența și calitatea serviciilor judiciare în Republica Moldova sunt depuse în continuare

12 August 2020 Online

Pe data de 12 august 2020 o echipă de experți ai Comisiei Europene pentru Eficiența Justiției (CEPEJ) s-au întâlnit în cadrul unei videoconferințe cu colegii din administrația instanțelor judecătorești din Republica Moldova pentru a discuta noi acțiuni de îmbunătățire a eficienței instanțelor și...

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Schimb de experiență cu partenerii europeni privind sistemul de evaluare a complexității dosarelor în instanțele judecătorești din Republica Moldova

6 August 2020 Moldova

În data de 6 august 2020 a fost prezentat și discutat cu omologii din Letonia modelul sistemului de evaluare a complexității dosarelor în instanțele judecătorești din Republica Moldova. Evenimentul a fost moderat de secretariatul Comisiei Europene pentru Eficiența Justiției (CEPEJ) și s-a...

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Launch of training needs assessment for CEPEJ topics in Azerbaijan

6 August 2020

The European Union and the Council of Europe continue to work in partnership with the Republic of Azerbaijan to improve efficiency of the Azerbaijani judiciary. Thus, in July the Council of Europe launched a training needs assessment for CEPEJ topics to identify training needs for different...

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Moldovan Equality Council: A monitoring framework, strategy and process report

05 August 2020 Online

EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance supports the Moldovan Equality Council on strengthening its strategic approach towards monitoring. On August 5th, international consultant Niall Crowley presented the results of a review of the monitoring mechanisms and instruments of the Moldovan Equality...

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Council of Europe tools on Women’s Access to Justice now available in new languages

5 August 2020 Strasbourg, France

Within the Partnership for Good Governance II, the joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe, the regional project on Women's Access to Justice: delivering on the Istanbul Convention and other European gender equality standards in the Eastern Partnership countries has...

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Webinar: The inclusion of disabled people and fighting discrimination

30 July 2020 ONLINE

On 6 August, a webinar will be organised on “The inclusion of disabled people and fighting discrimination” between 3-5 pm CET. The webinar will be an opportunity to learn more about the situation of disabled people and their experiences of discrimination. Good practices will be shared on...

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Azerbaijani Institutions increase their knowledge of the Warsaw Convention

24 July 2020 Videoconference

26 representatives of law enforcement, judiciary, regulatory and other relevant government institutions came together for a training event on the “Application of the Warsaw Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime and the Financing of Terrorism” which...

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Intersectional discrimination – a practical training for the Equality Council

23-24 July 2020 Online

EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance supports the Moldovan Equality Council on addressing the principles of intersectionality in cases of discrimination. On the 23rd and 24th of July, the team of the Moldovan Equality Council participated in a 2-day online training on intersectional...

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CALL FOR TENDER for the provision of national consultancy services in the areas of violence against women, domestic violence and gender equality in Azerbaijan

21/07/2020 Baku, Azerbaijan

The Council of Europe is launching a call for the provision of national consultancy services in the areas of violence against women, domestic violence and gender equality in Azerbaijan within the framework of the EU/Council of Europe Partnership for Good Governance II project “Raising awareness...

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New PGGII project: Raising awareness of the Istanbul Convention and other gender equality standards in Azerbaijan

July 2020 Azerbaijan

A new PGGII project was launched in July 2020 in Azerbaijan, under the title “Raising awareness of the Istanbul Convention and other gender equality standards in Azerbaijan”. This is a joint action between European Union and the Council of Europe, and it will run until December 2021. This project...

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