Three Training of Trainers sessions organised in Armenia

25-27 September 2020 Armenia

Three-day training of trainers (ToT) on “Techniques for drafting judgments and decisions”, “Current issues of the cross-examination (confrontation)” and “Interviewing techniques and communications management” was organised in co-operation with the Justice Academy on 25-27 September in...

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GEORGIA - The School of Justice Alumni Network – the way for opportunities for court staff and law school students

The School of Justice Alumni Network established in 2019 continues to be active even under the restrictions and the lockdown caused by COVID-19. The #Onlinetalks - thematic discussions in the field of justice, support of different initiatives, makes the platform even stronger.

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Adjusted case management system of the Constitutional Court of GEORGIA

The case management system of the Constitutional Court of Georgia has been adjusted giving the possibility to Georgian citizens to get all relevant case-related information online thus ensuring access to justice even under the severe restrictions related to COVID-19.

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Online needs’ assessment meetings for the EU-Council of Europe joint action ‘Raising awareness of the Istanbul Convention and other gender equality standards in Azerbaijan’

7-10 September 2020 Azerbaijan

The Programme for Good Governance II (PGGII) is a European Union and Council of Europe joint programme in the Eastern Partnership countries. The Council of Europe is currently implementing the joint action ‘Raising awareness of the Istanbul Convention and other gender equality standards in...

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Road map on dissemination of CEPEJ efficiency and quality measurement tools in all courts of Azerbaijan

3 September 2020 Azerbaijan

The European Union and the Council of Europe continue to work in partnership with the Republic of Azerbaijan to improve efficiency of the Azerbaijani judiciary. In this regard, the Council of Europe has developed a Road map on dissemination of CEPEJ efficiency and quality measurement tools in all...

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Judges and prosecutors trained by international and national experts on anti-discrimination

04 September 2020 Online

EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance supports the National Institute of Justice in training judges and prosecutors on identifying and dealing with cases of hate speech and domestic violence. On 4 September, the judges and prosecutors trained by the National Institute of Justice took part in a...

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The Equality Council is strengthening its monitoring function with support from the Council of Europe

02-03 September 2020 Online

The EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance supports the Moldovan Equality Council with the development of a monitoring strategy in line with European Standards. On the 2nd and 3rd of September, Moldovan Equality Council members took part in a 2-day online workshop to strengthen their skills and...

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Trainers improving their skills on delivering formation on the investigation of hate crimes

24-25 August 2020 Online

EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance supports the National Institute of Justice in training the trainers on investigating crimes that are motivated by prejudice and bias. The trainers of the Moldovan National Institute of Justice received formation on understanding and defining hate crime,...

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Discuții privind posibilitățile de îmbunătățire a sistemului de executare a hotărârilor judecătorești în materie civilă și administrativă în Republica Moldova

13 August 2020 Online

În data de 13 august 2020 secretariatul Comisiei Europene pentru Eficiența Justiției (CEPEJ) a moderat un atelier de lucru on-line pentru a discuta modalități de a îmbunătăți în continuare executarea hotărârilor judecătorești în materie civilă și administrativă în Republica Moldova și pentru a...

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Coordonarea proiectului ”Susținere pentru consolidarea în continuare a eficienței și calității sistemului judiciar din Republica Moldova”

13 August 2020 Moldova

În data de 13 august 2020 a avut loc a doua reuniune a grupului director al proiectului „Susținere pentru consolidarea în continuare a eficienței și calității sistemului judiciar din Republica Moldova” („Proiectul CEPEJ”), care face parte din programul Consiliului Europei și al Uniunii Europeane...

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