13 February 2025, 9.00am - 5.00pm

Hybrid format (Luxembourg / online)

Organised in the framework of the All In Plus joint European Union - Council of Europe project 

Preceded by a reception organised by the Ministry of Sports of Luxembourg and the screening of the film "Sportives : le parcours médiatique des combattantes", directed by Marie Lopez-Vivanco and produced by Patrick Chevallier (12 February, 6.00pm - 9.00pm)

Disclaimer: Each speaker has provided their own picture and short biography which are published hereunder.

Screening of the film « Sportives : le parcours médiatique des combattantes »

Q&A with film director Marie Lopez-Vivanco and film producer Patrick Chevallier

Opening session 

Interview of a high-level athlete from Luxembourg followed by Q&A 

Interviewed by Andrea Wimmer, Luxemburger Wort 

Keynote speakers

Interviewed by Francine Hetherington Raveney, Deputy Executive Secretary, Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS), Council of Europe

Women in sports media

Moderated by Francine Hetherington Raveney, Deputy Executive Secretary, Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS), Council of Europe

Pillar 1: “All In Plus” data collection outcomes and lessons learnt

Moderated by Olivia Conrad, Senior Project Officer, Council of Europe and Kateryna Lavryk, Junior Project Officer, Council of Europe

Gender equality indicators: global perspective

Moderated by Lombe Mwambwa, Research Director, Global Observatory for Gender Equality and Sport (GO)

Best practices on gender equality in sport

Moderated by Olivia Conrad, Senior Project Officer, Council of Europe

Presentation of the “All In Plus” analytical report and recommendations

Closing session