Co-ordination meeting on strengthening the protection of national minorities in Ukraine

17 December 2018 Kyiv

On 11 December 2018 the closing meeting of Partnership for Good Governance project ‘Strengthening the Protection of National Minorities in Ukraine’ was organised in Kyiv, Ukraine. The representatives of the project beneficiaries gathered in order to summarise the results of the project and to...

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Seminar on specialised dialogue mechanisms for national minorities in Ukraine

19 November 2018 Kyiv

The preliminary findings of the ‘Study on strengthening the protection of national minorities in Ukraine: executive structures and specialised dialogue mechanisms in an international comparative perspective’ were presented in Kyiv, Ukraine, on 15th of November. The joint European Union and...

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Council of Europe and EU to present results of their joint projects for Ukraine 2015-2018

5 November 2018 Kyiv

On Thursday, 8 November, the Council of Europe and the European Union will present to media in Kyiv the results of their projects for Eastern Partnership countries, including Ukraine. The six country-specific projects carried out in Ukraine under the Partnership for Good Governance[1] in...

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Ukraine: Policy and practice in state and minority language education

16 October 2018 Kyiv

On 10 and 11 October 2018, the Council of Europe, together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, conducted the seminar “Policy and practice in state and minority language education” in Kyiv, Ukraine. The seminar gathered 45 educational practitioners from all over Ukraine, among...

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Seminar on the policy and practice in minority language education in Ukraine

28 May 2018 Kyiv

A seminar on the “Practical implementation of the Venice Commission report on Article 7 of the Law on Education: a review of policy and practice in minority language education” gathered Ukrainian government officials, representatives of the national minority organisations, civil society...

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New report on ill-treatment in the activities of the national police of Ukraine: forms, extent, grounds

4 May 2018 Kyiv

The new report on “Ill-treatment in the activities of the National police of Ukraine: forms, extent, grounds” is one of the first attempts to thoroughly examine factors and causes contributing to the phenomenon of ill-treatment in Ukrainian police activities. Group of experts analysed extensive...

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UKRAINE: impact of project to support penitentiary reform

Short film showing how the CoE/EU project has improved human rights and rehabilitative services in Ukraine prisons, how it has trained prison staff and produced publications to help staff and prisoners.

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UKRAINE: further support for pentitentiary reform

Interviews with staff and beneficiaries talking about the importance of the EU/CoE project to reform prisons in Ukraine and its impact on prison staff, prisoners and their families.

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ПРЕС-РЕЛІЗ: Рада Європи та Європейський Союз представлять результати проектів для України щодо підтримки реформ пенітенціарної системи, , свободи медіа, боротьби з корупцією

6 листопада 2017р Київ

у п’ятницю 10 листопада Рада Європи та Європейський Союз представлять в Києві до уваги ЗМІ результати своїх проектів для країн Східного партнерства, включаючи Україну. В Україні було виконано п’ять спеціальних для країни проектів, що реалізуються за програмою «Партнерство заради належного...

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Training of trainers of the HELP programme in Ukraine

9 october 2017 Kyiv

Тренінг для тренерів Європейської програми освіти у сфері прав людини для представників юридичних професій Ради Європи (програма «HELP») відбувся в Одесі 25-28 вересня 2017 року в Одесі, Україна. Група з 26 правників - адвокатів, представників Національної академії внутрішніх справ та...

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A stocktaking conference on the project to support penitentiary reform in Ukraine

14 December 2018 Kyiv

The project stocktaking conference was held in Kyiv on 16 November 2017 to inform all stakeholders about the progress made since 2015 and to share the plans for 2018. The members of the Project Co-ordination Committee - Mr Iurii Miroshnychenko, MP, and the Deputy Minister of Justice, Mr Denys...

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Improving election dispute resolution in Ukraine

30 November 2017 Kyiv

On 28 November 2017, the Seminar for judges of local administrative courts and administrative courts of appeal on “Election dispute resolution: international standards, European Court of Human Rights case law, national practice in Ukraine” was held in Kyiv. The seminar was organised by the...

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Ukraine - Electoral training dedicated to election dispute resolution

24 November 2017 Kyiv

On 28 November, a seminar for national administrative judges on “Election dispute resolution: international standards, the European Court of Human Rights case law and national court practice in Ukraine” will take place in Kyiv, Ukraine. The main aim of the seminar is to discuss problems which...

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В Києві були представлені результати проектів Ради Європи та Європейського Союзу, отримані в Україні

10 листопада 2017 Київ

сьогодні Рада Європи та Європейський Союз представили до уваги ЗМІ результати своїх проектів для країн Східного партнерства, включаючи Україну. В Україні протягом 2015-2017 років були реалізовані п’ять тематичних проектів в рамках Програми співпраці між ЄС та Радою Європи «Партнерство заради...

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Support to internet governance events in Ukraine

10 October 2017 Kyiv

As a part of the Cybercrime@EAP III project devoted to public-private cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence, the Cybercrime Programme Office of the Council of Europe (C-PROC) supported the annual Internet industry meetings in Kyiv, Ukraine, by contributing its expertise on strategic...

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Presentation of the analytical report “Assessment of Effectiveness of the Institute of Officials Responsible for Detained Persons as a Mechanism of Ill-treatment Prevention in the Police Activity”

7 august 2017 kyiv

Findings of the analytical research on the system of officials responsible for ensuring the protection of the rights of persons detained by the police was presented on 13 July 2017 in Kyiv, Ukraine. The research was initiated by the Joint Programme between the European Union and the Council of...

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Working on improving human rights protection in police activities

7 august 2017 Kyiv

The Joint Programme between the European Union and the Council of Europe “Strengthening Implementation of the European Human Rights Standards in Ukraine” within its component on “Support to the police reform and fight against impunity and ill-treatment” is actively cooperating with the Human...

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— 20 Предметів на сторінці
Showing 1 - 20 of 102 results.