Facilitating the creation of a common legal space between Europe and Central Asia and enhancing human rights protection

As the European (continental) and Central Asian legal systems derive historically from common roots, they remain similar in many regards. The strategic goal of this Action is to initiate a process of creating a common legal space between Europe and Central Asia, based on European and international standards. This Action consists of two complementary components: raising awareness about Council of Europe Conventions and enhancing human rights protection through education.The latter component is implemented within the framework of the Council of Europe Programme on Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP). 

Raising awareness about Council of Europe Conventions

Council of Europe Conventions are considered as a key reference to reinforce human rights, democracy and the rule of law, and to promote a common legal space at pan-European level and beyond. It is therefore important to promote a sound understanding and effective implementation of the Conventions system among national authorities and civil society actors in Central Asia. Within the framework of the Action and depending on the needs and priorities of each partner, the following activities on regional and national level are organised:

  • Legislative review and assessments;
  • Preparation of recommendations and publications;
  • Peer to-peer exchanges, conferences, seminars, working groups etc.

Back Visit of representatives of the Supreme Court and of the Judicial Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Visit of representatives of the Supreme Court and of the Judicial Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

A delegation of representatives of the Supreme Court and Judicial Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan visited the Council of Europe Headquarters in Strasbourg (France) to strengthen co-operation in support of national efforts to reform the judicial system, in the areas of expertise of the Council of Europe.

The members of the delegation, led by the Chairman of the Supreme Court, engaged in extensive exchanges with the Secretariat of the Council of Europe to improve their understanding of the Council of Europe Conventions and bodies. A particular focus was put on the Council of Europe work in the fields of legal and institutional reforms, criminal law, artificial intelligence, cybercrime, efficiency of justice, human dignity and gender equality, protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse and counterfeiting of medical products and similar crimes.

The delegation also had the opportunity to visit the European Court of Human Rights to deepen their knowledge of the Court’s functioning, its case-law and the execution of its judgements.

The visit allowed for fine-tuning the means of co-operation with the Supreme Court  in the framework of the Central Asia Rule of Law programme (2020-2024) and more broadly the Neighbourhood Co-operation Priorities with Kazakhstan 2024-2027.

This visit follows previous exchanges with Supreme Court representatives and Kazakh judges held during a study visit organised in February 2024.

This visit was organised in the framework of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2024 co-funded by the Council of Europe and the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Strasbourg, France 13-15 May 2024
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