The Central Asia Rule of Law Programme is the first major co-operation instrument of the Council of Europe involving Tajikistan.


Back International tender call for the organisation of events

International tender call for the organisation of events

The Council of Europe is looking for service providers in order to support logistically in the organisation of events/activities in the framework of the joint European Union/Council of Europe Central Asia Rule of Law Programme in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

The providers are to be contracted to deliver various types of event management services in the five Central Asian countries.

For more information, please see the Acts of Engagement and the Tender Files (both documents in English only) for each country:

Tenders must be sent to the Council of Europe electronically. All necessary documents to be submitted are listed in the Tender Files.

Electronic copies shall be sent only to [email protected] with the reference number of the Tender File in the subject field. Tenders submitted to another e-mail account will be excluded from the procedure.

The deadline for the submission of tenders is 13 June 2023 by 23:59 CET.

Strasbourg 23 May 2023
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