Topic Judicial reforms

Court management online training session in Azerbaijan

25 June 2021 Azerbaijan

An online training session for trainers on court management, in particular on the collection and analysis of judicial statistics, performance evaluation, measuring the quality of justice and case and time management was held on 23-25 June. The participants were judges and court presidents, court...

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Presentation of the Analysis on how CEPEJ methods can be applied on judicial statistics in Georgia

25 June 2021 Georgia

The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) organised an online seminar to present the analysis of existing data and statistical reporting processes to demonstrate the use of CEPEJ methods to guide and support policy and managerial capacity required for the creation of...

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Online training on appeals against acts of enforcement agents in national courts in the Republic of Moldova

16 June 2021 Republic of Moldova

A series of 10 online training seminars are being conducted in the field of enforcement in civil and administrative matters, largely based on the new Commentary to the Enforcement Code, recently developed at the initiative of the Council of Europe. The agenda of these training is focused on the...

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Online discussion of the Opinion of the methodology and the procedure for the performance evaluation of Court of Cassation/Supreme Court judges in Armenia

14 July 2021 Armenia

On 11 June 2021 the online discussion of the Opinion of the methodology and the procedure for the performance evaluation of Court of Cassation/Supreme Court judges in Armenia took place in the framework of the project "Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and...

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Webinar on reasonable length of proceedings and case backlog in Georgian courts

3 June 2021 Georgia

A second webinar, part of a series dedicated to “Judicial proceedings within reasonable time”, was held on 3 June 2021. Its aim was to present Council of Europe European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) timeframes in conformity with Article 6 of the European Convention of Human...

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Online discussion of the study ''Gender equality in the judiciary of Armenia: challenges and opportunities''

26 May 2021 Armenia

An online discussion of the study ''Gender equality in the judiciary of Armenia: challenges and opportunities,'' took place on 25 May in the framework of the Partnership for Good Governance II (2019-2022) project ''Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of...

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Evaluation of the performance of enforcement systems and reporting in the Republic of Moldova

25 May 2021 Republic of Moldova

An online seminar on the evaluation and reporting on the performance of enforcement systems and their agents was conducted in the Republic of Moldova. The seminar gathered 25 participants, from the Moldovan National Union of Enforcement Agents as well as court presidents and judges. With the...

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Improving the methodology of distribution of resources in the Moldovan judiciary by using statistical data

20 May 2021 Republic of Moldova

The ability of the courts and of the judiciary in general to properly evaluate and reason their needs is a key aspect of modern judicial management. The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) organised a second online seminar on taking decisions with regard to the distribution...

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