About the Partnership for Good Governance

The European Union and the Council of Europe are working together with Eastern Partnership countries* to promote stronger governance, rule of law and to improve the lives of citizens.

In 2014, they launched a common initiative, the Partnership for Good Governance programme for the Eastern Partnership countries. The programme provides support in the implementation of the countries’ domestic reforms to strengthen justice, counter economic crime, promote equality and non-discrimination, advance women’s access to justice and combat violence against women in line with European standards.

The Partnership for Good Governance was designed in close consultation with the European Union and the national stakeholders, in line with the Council of Europe’s country-specific Action Plans and the European Union's priorities for the Eastern Partnership region. The current phase of the programme, running from 2023 to 2027, builds upon the results and progress achieved under the previous phases: 2015-2018 and 2019-2022.

Progress in the implementation of the EU accession priorities is in focus for Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The Partnership for Good Governance programme will continue supporting Armenia and Azerbaijan. Co-operation with Belarusian democratic forces and civil society may be organised as appropriate.  



The Partnership for Good Governance at a glance

 17 country-specific and four regional projects are implemented across Eastern Partnership countries.

 The budget allocated for the programme amounts to 19,3 million EUR (15 million EUR provided by the European Union and 4,3 million EUR by the Council of Europe).

 The Partnership for Good Governance follows a two-fold approach:

  • Technical assistance, tailored to support beneficiary countries in achieving an increased compliance with European standards. Whenever considered beneficial for the outcome, national interventions are encompassed with regional projects (covering all beneficiary countries) or multi-country (covering some of the beneficiary countries). 
  • The Quick Response Mechanism, a tool through which the Council of Europe provides ad hoc legislative expertise and policy advice in response to requests made by the beneficiary countries. These requests may address one of the four thematic areas of the programme but can also focus on other issues falling under the mandate of the Venice Commission and areas covered by other Council of Europe bodies.



What does the Partnership for Good Governance aim to achieve:

  • To  enhance  evidence-based policymaking through improved data collection and analysis mechanisms in the field of justice reforms.
  • To  strenghten rule of law, human rights, gender equality and anti-corruption mechanisms and advance the implementation of key judicial reforms.
  • To  contribute to substantial improvement in the lives of citizens  through its projects.



How will the Partnership for Good Governance achieve the above?

  • Through tailor-made and demand-driven support, provided to further improve legal and policy frameworks and build institutional capacities, for an increased alignment of the Eastern Partnership countries’ national legislation and practice with European standards.
  • To this end, the programme activities include technical support and expertise, legal expertise, sectoral assessments, awareness raising and capacity development in all four thematic fields.
  • The main focus in the third phase of the programme is the sustainability and ownership by the beneficiary institutions.
  • The gender mainstreaming approach is a key element of the programme and is further reinforced across the Partnership for Good Governance activities.
  • Regional interventions provide a platform for peer-to-peer exchange of good practices to overcome common challenges, facilitate creation of networks and reinforce regional co-operation.
  • The programme will continue applying several good practices deployed under the second phase, such as the flexibility which was key in addressing emerging needs and adapting to the numerous challenges, and promoting participatory and a multi-stakeholder’s approach of the projects to ensure effective implementation and sustainability of reforms.



Contribution to sustainable development goals

Through the implementation of the Partnership for Good Governance and its projects, the Council of Europe is contributing to  the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), notably SDG 5 to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, SDG 10 to reduce inequality within and among countries, and SDG 16 to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

About the Council of Europe and the European Union


The Council of Europe and the European Union (EU) are separate organisations which have different, yet complementary roles.

  • The Council of Europe works together with its 46 member States to strengthen human rights, democracy and rule of law across the continent and beyond.
  • The EU brings its 27 member States closer together both economically and politically by harmonising legislation and practices in certain policy areas.
  • The two organisations work closely together in areas where they have common interests, notably in promoting human rights and democracy in neighbouring regions.
  • Co-operation between the European Union and the Council of Europe allows each organisation to benefit from the other’s specific strengths, thereby supporting each other’s work.

* While the Partnership for Good Governance does not include activities with the participation of the Belarusian authorities, in line with the EU policy of non-engagement with Belarusian public bodies and state-owned enterprises enshrined in the European Council Conclusions of October 2020, activities may be organised with the representatives of Belarusian civil society and democratic actors as appropriate, in line with the European Council Conclusions of February 2022 and the Decision of the Council of Europe Ministers’ Deputies of March 2022.