Country Armenia

Armenian Police Officers trained on equality and non-discrimination

27-28 June 2024 Yerevan, Armenia

A two-day event for police officers in Armenia improved their knowledge and understanding of equality and non-discrimination concepts in accordance with the European standards. The opening part of the training session was attended by the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Arpine Sargsyan, by the...

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Presenting European standards on national minorities in Armenia

12-13 July 2024 Tsaghkadzor, Armenia

A joint working discussion on the Draft law on national minorities, initiated by the Ministry of Justice of Armenia and the National Assembly Commission on Human Rights Protection and Public Relations of Armenia, supported by the European Union and the Council of Europe, brought together...

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Further steps taken by the Regional Network of Eastern Partnership judicial training institutions for advancing women’s access to justice and gender mainstreaming in the justice chain

5 July 2024 Strasbourg

The second meeting of the Eastern Partnership Regional Network of judicial training institutions was held on 5 July 2024 in Strasbourg, as part of the HELP Network Annual Conference. The meeting gathered rectors, vice-rectors and heads of international co-operation departments from Eastern...

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