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School name: Safet Krupić Bosanska Krupa

Learn more about this school project

School type: VET school

Address : Radnička bb, Bosanska Krupa, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Contacts (phone, fax, email)
School Team
  • Todorovac Hikmet, teacher
  • Todorovac Samira, teacher
  • Međedović Adnan, teacher
  • Beširević Selma, teacher
  • Silvana Milojević Sarađan, headteacher
School Team
  • Nasiha Pašalić
  • Mehmed Mušić
  • Samir Fajić
  • Samir Suljkanović
  • Emina Gerzić

Number of pupils: 689

Number of male students: 267

Number of female students: 422

Male/female student ratio: m61%/f39%

Diversity – Inclusion issues

School has a significant number of economically deprived students, orphaned and from foster care. There are 17 students with special educational needs and physical disabilities and there are also Roma students. There is also a certain number of other minorities attending the school.

Level of inclusive practices/experience

School is motivated to improve inclusive practice and teaching methods in order to secure better inclusive processes. There has already been some work on removing physical barriers in order to ensure better accessibility. There is still need for further support and training in order to achieve coherent inclusive education approach. There is good level of cooperation with the municipalities and various partners and donors.