
The overall objective of the project is to enhance – in line with the Beneficiaries' commitments to EU accession and Council of Europe standards*  – social inclusion and social cohesion in the region by promoting inclusive education and training.

In order to realize this objective, the project will promote the concept of inclusive education as a reform principle that respects and caters for diversity amongst all learners, with a specific focus on those who are at a higher risk of marginalisation and exclusion.

The overall objective will be achieved through the specific objective of promoting the concept of inclusive education, as well as relevant policies and practices in the formal education system at pre-university level in South East Europe in five specific areas:

*In particular the European Social Charter and the New Strategy and Council of Europe Action Plan for Social Cohesion (approved by the Committee of Ministers on 7 July 2010).

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Capacity building of 35 new schools - “Strategic Plan for Development of Inclusive School”

In order to further increase the understanding of the benefits of inclusive education and support school-based policy development, the Project will support the capacity building of 5 schools in each beneficiary, for a total of 35 new schools in the region. The selected schools will receive a 2-days training session on how to develop the school policy document “Strategic Plan for Development of Inclusive School”.

The training will be organised in each beneficiary to encourage the schools to reflect on their inclusive practices and to develop/improve their values, missions and visions, as well as the school’s goals and activities in the field of inclusive education. The training sessions will be organised at the beginning of October 2015.